Chapter Thirty

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I know updates have been few and far between recently but this is a pretty big one for y’all and I hope you like it! I’m trying to update more, but my life is pretty busy right now with exams and all that stuff. Anyway – I really hope you guys enjoy the latest update!

            Today was the day that the girl with sparkling blue eyes could unveil her latest masterpiece. She was very ready to drive right on up to New York City, buzzing with excitement for the livestream that afternoon. The weather was looking fine; warm and luscious. A tiny kitten, only slightly smaller than a loaf of bread, bounded up onto Taylor’s bed to nuzzle her new owner. Olivia. Or, her new nickname, Dibbles.

            “Morning, little one. I hope you’re excited to meet your sister soon. Her name’s Meredith, and I think you two will get along really well!” She cooed, petting Olivia softly. It was time to get up, however. She needed to get to New York by mid-afternoon. She had packed her bags the night before, and simply needed to dress and make her way to the airport before 10am.

            Olivia was curled up on the duvet as Taylor slid out from underneath the covers. The bathroom was clean, and her makeup was set out to be easily packed away after she’d used it. Once she’d finished, she pulled on a plain pair of leggings and a black turtle neck sweater, complete with some sturdy black boots. She cradled Olivia, carefully placing her in a cat carrier and propping it next to the rest of her luggage that sat in her room as she locked each window and door. And she was ready to go; ready to leave Nashville, finally.

*  *  *

            Karlie sat by her laptop, staring at the clock as she frantically awaited the livestream from New York City. It seemed like so long since she’d seen Taylor’s face, and she had spent far too long trying to guess what the last thing on her fiancé’s ‘to do’ list could be. Something in her mind figured that this livestream could perhaps be the third and final item, but the model knew it was unhealthy to get her hopes up when Taylor obviously had something else she needed to complete before returning.

            She had let her mind wonder too much, and only just happened to notice that the broadcast was due to start in only three minutes. The girl with the emerald eyes leapt from the couch and rushed to the kitchen, hoping that there would be some easily accessible snacks for her to quickly grab before hurrying back to the laptop. She rummaged through the cupboards, but the only thing she could find happened to be a single pack of raw Pop Tarts. The model didn’t even know where the fricking toaster was; and, even if she did, it would be too damn typical that she would have no idea how to work it.

“Raw Pop Tarts it is, then.” She muttered to herself, tearing through the foil and strolling back into the living room, just in time for the livestream.

            Taylor appeared on screen, leaning against the railing of the Empire State building, waving at the camera. Karlie couldn’t help but giggle at how dorky her sweetheart seemed from the broadcast. If truth-be-known, the younger girl would already know of all the things Taylor was to announce during the livestream, but this wasn’t the model’s motivation to watch it. She just needed to see the other girl, desperately.

Thirty minutes later, the broadcast was over, and Karlie was physically shaking. She logged onto YouTube, constantly refreshing and hoping the video would be up. The delay between the livestream and the upload was unbearable. And then it appeared. The girl grinned from ear to ear, and she indulged again, clicking on the thumbnail. She was unable to comprehend how much work Taylor must’ve been doing whilst she was away. All Karlie had to do now was await her return.

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