Chapter Fifteen

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            It was a good job Cara was in LA at the time; Taylor didn’t know who else to turn to. Sure, her brother knew about the situation – but he didn’t know about Karlie. Telling another person wouldn’t screw things up, right? Right. The British model was someone she could trust, but explaining her and Karlie’s relationship in a non-creepy way was the one thing Taylor dreaded.

            “Hi!” The Brit grinned, wrapping her arms around the singer as soon as the front door was opened to her that evening. Taylor embraced the hug, smiling nervously despite being glad to see her friend after all this time.

“Come in, I baked cookies.” The American tempted her friend, dragging her inside and into the kitchen. On the countertop sat a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies, still warm from the oven. Cara looked at her friend, as if asking whether she was allowed to take a cookie. The other girl stared for a second, expecting her to reach for one.

“Can I have one?” The model asked, breaking the silence. Taylor smirked, slightly confused as to why Cara was being so awkward and polite.

“Just take a fucking cookie!” She scoffed, holding the tray out to her friend who smiled as she carefully chose one of the freshly baked biscuits. She took a bite, sheepishly, letting the warm dough melt in her mouth with lashings of melted chocolate.

“It’s good.” She smiled, taking another bite. Taylor stared at the model, slightly irritated by Cara’s awkwardness. It was as if she knew something that the singer didn’t.

“Why are you being like this?” The American blurted out rudely, noticing her friend flinch slightly. Something was making her incredibly uncomfortable, but she still hadn’t snapped eye contact with Taylor. And that’s when she did.

“I know why you wanted to talk.” She replied, tossing the half-eaten cookie onto the countertop, suddenly losing her appetite. The other girl bridled, nervous about what stories Karlie must’ve conveyed to the Brit. She stepped forward, closing the gap between them.

“Did Karlie tell you?” Taylor asked, her tone serious. Cara nodded as her expression flattened and she spoke.

“You might want to sit down.”

            The girl with the red lips was surprised to hear that what Karlie had told Cara was the ultimate truth. Every fact was faultless, and the singer couldn’t help but feel slight compassion towards her former lover after realising that she was wrong. Maybe she’d moved to quickly, let her rage envelop her at a time when it needn’t have done.

“I don’t know how she feels about it all right now. Last time I spoke to her, she was pretty upset. Not in an angry way; just sorry.” The model explained, sipping from a mug of tea as she sat by the Christmas tree. Taylor nodded, taking it all in.

“That’s good to know.” She whispered, looking down at her empty hands as Cara looked on.

“…Are you okay?” She asked softly.

            Those words are the buzz words. When you’re just about to break down, and you think you’re strong enough to bite your lip and hold it in, someone will ask the question and you’ll just completely lose it and let all of your emotions burst out in a flood of tears – and that’s what happened to Taylor.

            She suddenly felt that overwhelming feeling when it all becomes too much, and salty teardrops began to stream down her cheeks. She hated crying. She felt vulnerable and weak and everything she didn’t want to be perceived as. The model opened her mouth, as if to speak, but instead rushed over to her friend in an emotional flurry. Taylor felt Cara’s arms warp around her, and clung to any limb she could find.

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