Chapter Eleven

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            “So, I got you an extra surprise present.” Karlie broke the stiffened silence as the two girls lay in bed at midnight. Taylor furrowed her brow and looked up at the girl whose chest she was resting her head on. She sat up, those blue eyes slicing through the darkness at the taller girl. She couldn’t see them, but she could feel them piercing her.

“What?” The shorter girl whispered, her foot grazing Karlie’s shin as the attraction pulled them closer. The girl with the green eyes choked slightly, Taylor’s silhouette paralyzing her in the night.

“A little surprise.” She breathed, careful not to let her voice break as she yearned so helplessly for the girl who lay in the shadows, just inches away. Taylor smiled, blushing and looking down at her hands sitting in her lap, as if she was embarrassed by the fact that what Karlie had done was so uncalled for. The blue eyed girl moved closer to the model, her finger tips grazing the taller girl’s collarbone as she rested a soft kiss on her lover’s lips.

“So, what did you get me?” Taylor asked innocently after pulling away from the kiss, but the green eyed girl had to savour the taste for a little longer before making a reply.

She bit her lip and swung her legs around so that she was sitting on the bed, before grabbing her phone and standing up to rustle through her purse using only the light from the screen. The shorter girl propped herself up and tried to watch through the darkness, only able to see Karlie’s face as the backlight from the mobile reflected onto the model’s razor-sharp cheekbones. Suddenly, the girl with the purse squealed and leapt onto the bed in excitement. She held one of two folded pieces of paper out in front of her, waiting for Taylor to take it. The singer raised an eyebrow curiously and took the paper from Karlie’s hand, being careful not to crease it. She reached out behind her, turning on the bedside light to read the text on the slip of paper.

“Oh my god.” Taylor’s eyes widened as Karlie grinned, “you rented a bungalow in Tahiti!?” The model squealed and wrapped her arms around the girl with the blue eyes, who fell back onto the mattress in a fit of giggles. The taller girl crawled up the covers, planting soft kisses on Taylor’s collarbone and jaw as she went, ending the flurry of passion with a delicate peck on the lips.

“The flight is in two days – is that okay?” Karlie asked, slightly worried that this may change her lover’s mind. The blue eyed girl was slightly taken aback. Two days was not a long time. She thought about it for a second; she could just go on a holiday haul in LA tomorrow, right? Taylor nodded, grinning with excitement.

“We’ll just bust the bank and buy whatever we want tomorrow!” She giggled before suddenly reaching up to kiss an unexpected Karlie, surprising her like a thunderstorm in a warm midsummer.

“I love you so much.” The model told her love, gripping the other girl’s hands. Taylor stared seriously, yet so innocently, back at the girl with the green eyes.

“I love you more than you’ll ever know.” She replied slowly as she kissed Karlie’s hands, intertwined with her own.


*  *  *

            Taylor dumped the numerous bags from their second shopping trip in the hallway before turning back to help Karlie with hers. $6,345 worth of clothing that will likely be worn only a couple of times spread itself through each and every bag. The late afternoon was pleasant; the sun was shining and the air was warm, but not muggy. The two girls flopped on the couch, exhausted by the day-long clothing haul in Beverly Centre. Karlie checked the time on her phone. 4:01pm.

“Last day in Cali - do you want to eat out tonight?” She asked the shorter girl, who sat peacefully with her eyes closed on the other end of the couch. She nodded, not opening her eyes or making a sound. The model nodded slowly in response, as if she was waiting for the other girl to make another point.

“Where do you want to go?” She finally asked after realising that Taylor didn’t have anything else to add. The singer shrugged, groaning.

“Spago?” Karlie suggested, the nearby restaurant being everyone’s ‘go-to’ choice. The girl with the blue eyes sat up, yawning and nodding. She turned to the taller girl, tiredly smiling.

“You know it.” She whispered, her eyes half-closed. The model laughed, brushing Taylor’s fringe out of her face; she had decided that this was her cutest state of mind. Tired Taylor was possibly the most adorable thing she’d ever seen – and, with any luck, ever would see.

            Santa Monica Boulevard was as iconic as ever when the sun began to set that evening, leaving the palm trees to tower in blackened silhouettes against the golden backdrop and glittering clouds that combed through the sky. This was the only thing that made the horrendously busy drive to Spago enjoyable. The restaurant itself wasn’t terribly busy, but the service was sloppy. But, at $75 for an entrée, that’s what you’d expect.

“This. Sushi. Is. Life.” Taylor moaned, chewing on a piece of raw fish and rice. The model popped a slice of grilled zucchini in her mouth, letting the salty flavours dance across her tongue. Her eyes widened at how amazing that single bite was.

“This tapas though.” Karlie commented before holding her glass of red wine up to meet Taylor’s, “here’s to winter vaycay!” They toasted, grinning and taking a few sips of wine each.

“I’ll drive.” The shorter girl insisted, placing her wine glass down on the table. The green eyed girl smiled thankfully. She took another sip of wine and a small forkful of peppered tomato, unable to stop staring at Taylor as she did so.

“You look beautiful tonight, honey.” Karlie smirked, infatuated by the girl with the glossy red lips.

“Thank you for saying that.” She blushed in response, “Although, I have to say that your face is mesmerizingly enchanting, and I won’t be able to get over it for another week or so. And that’s setting me a challenge.” Karlie giggled at Taylor’s comment, completely flattered.

“Why does everything you say sound absolutely beautiful?” She asked, expecting the girl sitting across the table to shrug. The singer bit her lip, piercing Karlie with her eyes as she crafted her reply.

“Because it’s all about you.”

            The beach was a twenty minute drive from the restaurant, and with such a beautiful sunset, it’s not a view that could be missed. Taylor parked the car at the end of boulevard, slipping her heels off and throwing them in the trunk before running down to the shore, followed by Karlie. Oddly enough, the boardwalk and coastline was pretty deserted as the girl with the red lips and rosy cheeks paddled in the waves. The taller girl watched Taylor’s silhouette dancing playfully across the shimmering sunset from the boardwalk, the only sound being that of the waves slowly caressing the seashore. But, apart from that, silence. The shorter girl stopped suddenly, looking over her shoulder in a child-like fashion at Karlie, smiling. The model on the boardwalk tried to hide her grin, unable to comprehend the adorability of the whole situation. Taylor turned to run up to the boardwalk, leaving footprints in the sand as she made her way to Karlie. She joined the green eyed girl breathlessly, looking out to the sunset and taking Karlie’s hands in hers.

“Promise me you’ll remember this moment forever and always?” The red-lipped sweetheart asked enthusiastically. The model nodded, smiling widely. Taylor giggled before cautiously planting a peck on her lover’s lips. Karlie turned her neck to look out at the sunset, and then back to the girl holding her hands, smirking lovably.

“How could I possibly forget?”

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