Chapter Twelve

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Turbulence hit as the private jet made it out into the clear, over the Pacific Ocean, with six hours left to fly to Faa’a, Tahiti. A loud hiss ensued as Taylor cracked open a can of ice cold cider before pouring it into a wine glass.

“Keeping it classy.” Karlie commented sarcastically, grinning from the armchair on the other side of the cabin. The singer gave her a flattened stare, taking a messy gulp of cider and wiping her mouth with her forearm after downing most of the glass. The model smirked, taking a delicate sip of champagne in response to the other girl. Taylor burst into giggles after trying to keep a straight face.

“You’re a complete twat and I love you.” She laughed, picking up her glass and swallowing the last mouthful of cider. The girl with the green eyes choked on her champagne, leaning forward quickly to put her glass down.

What did you just say? Twat? Oh my God.” She laughed, “you’ve been spending too much time with Ed.” Taylor grinned at the mention of her British friend, gripping her tongue between her teeth and scrunching up her noise. Karlie smiled, watching her lover from across the plane. Too cute.

She stood up, taking a few steps, before crashing down next to the girl with the red lips on the opposite couch, who looked up in surprise.

“What are..” She started before Karlie caught her words with her mouth, kissing the shorter girl hard. Taylor bridled, slightly taken aback, but quickly fell back into her lover’s arms. The kiss had a rhythm as the two girls danced across each other’s tongues passionately, breathlessly. The model grinned as she felt the blue eyed girl moan through her lips, before moving down to the girl’s jawline. As Taylor weakened to Karlie’s seduction, she noticed a hand travel up her thighs and underneath her skirt.

“The Mile High Club now, eh?” The singer moaned, the taller girl answering with a nod and a smile before beginning to fondle her through the thin pair of panties she’d chosen for the flight. The damp fabric was pushed aside until Karlie found the other girl’s opening, already wet with temptation. She pushed her forefinger and middle finger inside, watching Taylor gasp as the stretch of the muscles shot up through her nerves. The model’s thumb rested on the bundle of nerves above the opening, applying the most brutal kind of pressure – a tempting, dangerous kind. Thrust after thrust built pleasure that the blue eyed girl just couldn’t contain, and Karlie let her burst, in a flurry of electric pleasure that shivered through the singer’s body in a sharp wave. The taller girl pulled her fingers out of her lover, who sat breathlessly on the couch, before walking over to her glass and stirring the singer’s glistening fluids into the champagne, taking a final gulp of the erotic elixir to finish the ordeal.

            Karlie slept after pleasuring the shorter girl, leaving Taylor to fantasize about the model’s hands touching her anywhere and everywhere, hoping that maybe she could return the favour if the green eyed girl were to awaken any time soon. But, with only two hours left to fly and an early start that morning, the singer decided that taking a hint from Karlie and catching up on sleep could be a good idea.

            “Honey.” Taylor whispered, “we’ve landed.” The model opened her eyes sleepily and threw her bright green orbs at the singer, who couldn’t help but smile. She stood to her full height, a couple of inches taller than the other girl, and grabbed her hand. Taylor felt her body being dragged down the isle of the cabin, and out of the plane, into the blazing midday heat of Faa’a. She closed her eyes to shield them from the sun initially, but with Karlie’s guidance, she began to lift her eyelids – letting floods of paradise swim through her vision and into a pool of endless perfection. The tropics held so much beauty. Lush greenery, sparkling blue waters, beaches of black and white sands and flawless views from every angle. Everything about the island was completely mesmerising.

            A gentle tug brought Taylor out of her trance, as Karlie led her romantically down the steps to the runway, the shorter girl still in utter awe. The model smiled after seeing that Tahiti was having the effect she’d hope it would. She dropped her lover’s hand, watching her stare in wonder, before suddenly being smashed into by a powerful hug from Taylor, who held her grip tightly around the green eyed girl. Karlie couldn’t help but laugh as she looked down at the adorable little girl wrapped around her waist.

“So, what do you think?” She asked, expecting a flurry of excitement from the shorter girl. Taylor simply stood and stared at the model, her bottom lip quivering as if she was about to cry.

“I love you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for this. Thank you for being this way. I could honestly never ever say thank you enough. Thank you for loving me enough to do this; I honestly don’t think I could find a way to show you how much I love you and how appreciative I am. Thank you.” The blue eyed sweetheart smiled lovingly. Karlie smiled back, pleased that she’d managed to make her girl happy.

“It’s fine.” She insisted, but that was when a slightly more lustful thought sprang to mind, “although I do know one way in which you can show me how much you love me..”

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