Chapter Thirty-One

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Sorry I haven’t updated in literally like two months – I have my GCSEs in May (British kids will understand) and they’re my priority. I’ll try and update this when I find time, but I’m still good for doing one shots if you request them on either here or my Tumblr (realign-a-star, if you don’t already know). Also, don’t take the reference to Tiffany Blews by Fall Out Boy in this update lightly – amazing song, listen to it. The depth descriptions are pretty light in this chapter, but if you listen to the song you won’t need any. Anyway, enjoy; I’ve tried to make this update really good to make up for deserting you guys for so long!


            Soft linen sheets crept up Taylor’s thigh as she began to come around the next morning, the soft sunshine bursting through the netted curtains in the bedroom. She heard a clatter of noise on the wooden floorboards; it was vaguely irritating, but not enough to disturb her lazy doze. Scratch that – it was fucking annoying. The blonde bedhead sat up in a bundle of pristine white fabric, clutching it to her naked chest with one had as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes with her other. She reached out for her glasses, only able to make out a blur of a figure before her. Karlie.

“Karls, what are you doing?” She whispered, her voice low and raspy. The model shuddered with pleasure.

“Ooo, you sound so sexy in the morning!” She giggled, leaping onto the bed and scrambling up to Taylor, placing a kiss on the tip of her nose. She was wearing a formal dress; a shimmering golden colour and figure-hugging. With tall heels.

“This isn’t the Met Gala, what’s the deal with the dress and those beautiful shoes?” Her eyes widened as she noticed the truly majestic gleam from the heels.

“Just trying a couple of things on for tonight.” The girl with the green eyes commented casually, as if they’d already discussed the matter. Taylor lowered her brows in confusion.

“…What’s happening tonight?” She asked, not exactly sure if she wanted to know, judging by Karlie’s attire. The model smirked.

“We’re going to dinner. Dressing up nice and fancy. All your favourite people are going to be there.” She dropped each update on the event like the most casual of bombshells. The shorter girl’s jaw dropped open slightly.

“I have nothing to wear. Did you not think of notifying me on this a little earlier? Oh my God, what is it with you and surprised – I honestly do not..” But Karlie placed her slender forefinger on Taylor’s lips before she could utter another word. She grinned, biting her lip and lowering her gaze into something a little more sultry, a little more sexy. The model’s eyes flashed towards the closet.

“It was a surprise. Besides – I picked something out for you. Check it out.”

The girl with the blue eyes and the tan skin slid out from under the duvet, her bare feet pressing against the cool floorboards. She shakily made her way to the closet, adjusting the glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. The sweetest little dress was folded neatly in a boutique bag. A shoebox sat underneath the bag. Taylor looked to Karlie, who nodded to her. She knelt down to pick up the bag and the box, sliding lid from the top of the box to reveal a pair of gleaming Louboutins in jet black, with a red inner heel. Taylor was ecstatic. She hurried to peak into the bag, and take a real look at that dress. Her delicate grasp lifted the garment from the bag, and she held it out before her. It was stunning. A short little cocktail dress. Sexy, but classy as hell.

“Tiffany Blews.” Karlie smiled, “Fall Out Boy.” The older girl turned to look at the model who sat in the lacquered chair across the room.

“…I love that song.” She barely managed a whisper, touched by Karlie’s choice in gifts. The model tried to hide her smile.

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