Chapter Eight

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            The black van rolled up the bustling streets of Manhattan, yellow taxis flashing by and bright lights reflecting off of everything and anything. Having only been to the city on tours and never for shopping, this was one of the first times Taylor had really seen NYC in all its glory. Mounds of snow piled up by the sidewalks, and glistening decorations lined the shop windows and the Rockefeller Centre down Fifth Avenue at Christmastime. It was beautiful.

            “I’ve never been to New York during the holidays.” Taylor admitted to Karlie, who sat with her hand on the other girl’s thigh. She smiled.

“Well, I’m glad I could be the first one to show you.” The girl with the green eyes remarked smugly. The singer turned her head to smile warmly at the model as the van pulled into a layby.

“I’ll call you.” Taylor thanked the driver, dismissing him as she stepped out of the vehicle and onto the thin blanket of snow sheening the sidewalk. The crisp crunch of the snow under her feet was refreshing, after such a long wait until Christmas. The girl with the blue eyes inhaled deeply, smelling the roasted chestnuts on the corner and the spiced coffee brewing in the Bohemian cafes lining the pavement. Karlie couldn’t help but smile slightly, seeing Taylor experience NYC in winter for the first time.

“Welcome to New York.” The green eyed girl introduced the city to the wide-eyed singer. The shorter girl gasped slightly before letting her face fall into a cheekier expression.

“Show me what it does best.” Taylor demanded, “let’s go shopping!” She began walking eagerly down the street to the nearest signpost, followed by Karlie, who knew she’d enjoy every minute of this.

            As the girls reached the corner of Fifth and Main, perfect flakes of pearly white snow began to stream from the sky, forming thick blankets on the sidewalk. The snow was undeniably freezing cold, but something about the bustling city seemed to warm both Karlie and Taylor right through.

            “I didn’t get you anything for your birthday.” Karlie burst out, stepping in front of Taylor, who raised an eyebrow in confusion and pushed the model aside. Karlie stepped in front of her again, blocking her path.

“So what?” Taylor answered eventually.

“Let me buy you something - birthday and Christmas combined.” The green eyed girl insisted, holding the singer’s hand tightly. Taylor struggled, not wanting Karlie to waste money on her. The model held the blue eyed girl’s hand tighter, until she gave in.

“Fine.” She agreed, “but I’m definitely going to buy you something in return.” Taylor smirked craftily. Karlie furrowed her brow, almost disgusted.

“No!” She blurted. Taylor giggled, taking the model’s hand like she had taken hers.

“It’s only fair. And, anyway, can we stop arguing about it and just get down to business?” She asked, awaiting Karlie’s nod that eventually arrived. The shorter girl smiled in agreement, as the two girls turned to walk down Fifth Avenue.

            The Starbucks on Fifth Avenue served Taylor the perfect pumpkin spice latte. Whether it was the environment, or the actual coffee, but it seemed to her that it was the best drink she’d ever consumed. Karlie sipped on a peppermint tea as the pair strolled down the sidewalk, window shopping.

“Fuck, Karlie. You’re hot.” Taylor burst out laughing as soon as she saw the shop window of the Victoria’s Secret store. Karlie’s half-naked body was sprawled across a banner on the front of the store. She laughed, unsure as to whether Taylor was being sarcastic or not.

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