Chapter Twenty-Two

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            Everything about the trip had been amazing and wild and perfect. So what if they’d stopped off at cost-cutting gas stations for food? So what if, by ‘food’, they meant ‘cheap candy’? So what if they’d pissed some people off, constantly asking for photos together? They’d driven down forested roads in the dark with no headlights, just for fun. Yes, it was dangerous and, yes, it could’ve killed them – but it didn’t. And they sure had a hell of a lot of fun screaming at the top of their lungs as they accelerated into what seemed like nothing. They cried on a beach together, watching the sunset. They’d made out on a footbridge instead of catching fireflies like they were supposed to. They decided to climb up and crawl over the entrance sign to Big Sur. They’d been completely reckless and inconsiderate but it didn’t matter in the slightest because everything they’d done that day…it was all worth it.

The sun was well below the horizon, and it was late as Karlie took the wheel on the drive home from Big Sur. The highway was almost deserted, with only a few flashes of light from car headlamps passing every quarter of an hour or so. The model felt her eyes getting tired as they were still a long drive from Los Angeles County, overhead signs distantly directing them to West Hollywood and Beverly Hills. There was still a bit of time left. The singer, meanwhile, sat in shotgun. She was curled up, covered by a blanket and fast asleep, with Karlie keeping an eye on her this time. She couldn’t help but smile to herself as she watched Taylor sniffle or scrunch her nose up as she lay unconscious and innocent, oblivious to the world around her.

            Karlie could feel the crescent slice in the sky glowing, blanketing the road in a vanilla dusting of moonshine as the car rolled smoothly down the highway. She leant forward to turn the radio on; making sure it was set to the lowest volume. Taylor began to stir as she heard the speakers crackle into life, despite the fact that they were merely a whisper of sound.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” Karlie asked with a voice like velvet. The older girl yawned and sat up, shaking her head.

“No.” She lied, “okay, yes, but it doesn’t matter. I would’ve come around sooner or later anyway.” The girl leant forward, twisting the dial on the radio and raising the volume. Eighties pop – Simple Mind’s Don’t You (Forget About Me). Suddenly awake, Taylor grinned to the taller girl through the dark.

“Don’t you just love this?” She asked before breaking into the chorus, throwing her fist into the air as she mimicked each line with enthusiasm. Karlie laughed, finding it difficult to keep her eyes on the road with such a spectacle taking place in the seat next to her. She turned the volume up to the max as the next song flickered into life and the singer’s excitement grew even further.

Livin’ On a Prayer!?” She choked, rolling down the tinted window frantically, preparing herself as the chorus rose. The first note hit and she began to scream the lyrics out of the window – there was no holding back. Karlie jumped, flicking the wheel and leaving the tyres to screech.

“Are you crazy!?” She yelled, scolding Taylor like her child. And, like a child, she turned to smile at the model without a care.

“Pull over, pull over.” She ordered, rolling the window up.

Worried for their safety, the younger girl did as she was told, steering the car down a deserted side road. She rolled the vehicle into a partial layby, leaving the radio on a medium volume and putting the handbrake into place with a creak before turning to the shorter girl. She opened her mouth, her lips ready to form words, but Taylor kissed her before she could even try to. The singer let her hands play with Karlie’s hair as they concentrated on the kiss.

“Fuck me.” The girl with the blue eyes moaned, moving so that she straddled Karlie’s lap, facing her with the kiss.

“What, now?” The younger girl asked, quickly followed by a nod and a sexy lip bite from the girl on her lap. Taylor let her body rest on the model’s long legs in a sitting position as the green eyed girl reached to recline the seat and make room for the both of them. By the time she’d turned back to look at the girl on her lap, she was completely topless. The first few notes of a familiar record struck up on the radio, resulting in Taylor leaning over to turn it up to its maximum volume. She clutched Karlie’s face in her hands, smirking irresistibly before making a reference to the lyrics, which would ultimately lead them to the true indulgence they were about to experience in that car, on that side road, on that night.

Girls just want to have fun!


*  *  *

            Karlie planted a line of kisses in the valley down Taylor’s chest as her body lay on the backseat, entirely naked. She moaned, letting her fingers explore the model’s ass as she deepened the kiss they were sharing. The girl with the green eyes suddenly hoisted the other girl’s legs up onto her shoulders, allowing her head to be in between so that her mouth could get to work on Taylor’s opening. The tip of her tongue flicked at the bundle of nerves more vigorously and pleasurable than it had done before – perhaps it was the position, or perhaps it was the music that made it feel better. Karlie decided to be nice to the shorter girl this time, not denying her any kind of pleasure. As the bliss began to build, reaching its boiling point, the model slid her fingers inside of the other girl. She felt Taylor’s walls clench around her fingers as she came, slickening them with moisture that she was happy to lick off.

            Now it was the turn of the girl with the red lips. Once she’d overcome the delight injected into her by Karlie, she threw the model’s legs open, leaning in to kiss her intensely. With each new rhythmic mouth movement, Taylor allowed her hips to move slightly, grinding against the taller girl’s clit. She let out a surprised shriek, not expecting such bliss so early on.

“That’s a new one.” She moaned, allowing the shorter girl to suck on her neck. The girl on top smiled a she gripped a fold of Karlie’s skin between her teeth, the slight sting contrasting perfectly with the pleasure.

“New? Honey, I’m an eighties girl.” The blue eyed girl panted after letting the model’s skin fall freely. And, with that, she grinded her hipbone against her lover’s bundle of nerves for the last time. Karlie groaned loudly, a huge smile on her face as the intensity of the feeling rippled through her, setting her free. The windows were misty, and beads of moisture began to form on the hard plastic. Taylor collapsed on the taller girl’s chest, closing her eyes as she caught her breath.

“I guess we’ll be sleeping here tonight.” She laughed, still breathing heavily. The girls let their bare legs intertwine and tangle as Karlie stroked her fiancé’s shoulder tenderly before agreeing.

“I guess so.”

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