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Todoroki's POV:

I looked over to Midoriya as we ran, our wet shoes squishing on the pavement.

Now that I think about it, Ive been able to see more of him on this trip than ever before. Able to see, able to smell...

able...to taste.

Gosh. He made being attacked by villains all the time worth it.

And yet...

for some reason...

I wasnt satiated.

But what more did I even want with him? Hes been plenty generous the past week. I should... just be grateful..?

Secretely though, I knew exactly what more I wanted. But I simply didnt have the courage to ever ask for...


"You wanna know what my dream was about, dont you." I blushed, looking straight into him.

"UHM AHAHHAA Todoroki I think we should talk about that later." Midoriya squeaked, glancing back awkwardly.


I forgot about them.

"Todoroki you never tell me about your dreams." Kirishima whined.

"Theyre probably all about depression or something else pathetic."

Depression isnt pathetic what-

"No I bet theyre about-"
"Enough. Dont get distracted." I said.

Was it just me being exhausted, or were they more annoying than usual?

"Its just you. You need rest." Midoriya whispered, smiling.

Woah. Was it that obvious ??

"Whatever." I said.

"Dont pretend I didnt see that smile." Midoriya whispered.

I wasnt smiling, was I?

"Hey uhh guys I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Im pretty sure that flame we were following is gone?" Kirishima wondered.

Wait what?

We stopped.

"No no no I was literally just looking at it." Midoriya gasped.

Sure enough, it was gone.

We didnt have time for this.

"You had one job idiot." Bakugou groaned.

"Sorry." Midoriya sighed.

"Nobody assigned roles. This is no one's fault." Kirishima reassured.

"Well wherever it went, we should be going inside anyway to tell the girls we were attacked." I said.

"What are the chances that they were attacked too?" Midoriya worried.

"They can handle themselves." Bakugou yawned.

"But still. Lets go check on them. Its the right thing to do." Kirishima said.

"Kirishima is right." Midoriya agreed.

"Did you two encounter anyone else besides the guy with the metal arms?" I asked.

"Oh oh! Yes. There were 3 of them total. All with weird masks on." Kirishima said.


"Why didnt you say anything sooner." I said.

"Its not like we were busy fighting off some giant robot man with detachable exploding arms or anything." Bakugou said.

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