Fallen On Deaf Ears (1847) pt1

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Authors notes at the end.

Midoriya's POV:

"Do you have a crush!" I finally blurted, quickly looking away as I waited for him to respond.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

I looked back at him only to realize the shock on his face. He stared at me, taken back.

Was that too direct?! Does he think Im weird or something for asking him in a place like this?!

"Uh y-yeah of-ofcourse." He stuttered.


"Oh wow cool!" I added awkwardly, fidgeting with my fingers behind my back.

Phew. That was close.


"So uh...do you?" He asked, composed.

"Yep." I replied quickly.


The air seemed warmer. Was it always this warm? It was probably just me.

"Cool." Todoroki stated.


AHHHHH! I could already feel the converstion slipping away! How was I supposed keep it going?!

"You know," I started, surprising myself, "I didnt...really expect for you to...yknow...like someone."


That was smooth. Good job! Thanks haha.

Im going crazy arent I.

"It caught me by surprise too. I had no intentions of having feelings for anyone so far but as of late its been harder and harder to maintain that philosophy." He said.

"Wow thats deep." I giggled.

"Oh I didnt mean t-"
"NO NO! Its fine. I...uhm...l-like deep." I blushed, cutting him off as I barely got that last part out.

"Oh?" He inquired.

"Y-Yeah." I said, looking at the rough rocky surface off the floor.

"Can I pick you up then Midoriya?" Todoroki asked, softly grabbing me by the waist.


"Yeah ofcourse." I said, lightly jumping into his arms as he supported me from the bottom.

"Youre pretty heavy you know." Todoroki strained, stumbling backwards a little.

"TODOROKI ARE YOU POLITELY CALLING ME FAT?!" I cried, leaning back as all my body weight challenged his arms.

"Ofcourse not." He strained, tripping forward as we crashed into the rocky wall, my head hurting a little from the impact.

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