"Post-Climax" (1817)

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I was re-reading old comments and it made me realize HOW MUCH I MISS YALL UGH.

I just wanna say I'm so so sorry that I haven't been loyal to you guys with this, but things are gonna change.

Now that all the college application stuff is over I can start rededicating my time and effort to this story again!

I'll start back updating every one to two weeks so we can finally wrap things up after FOUR YEARS.


Kirishima's POV:

Midoriya came in totally freaking out!

He was rambling on the ground, bent over and bowing at my feet like I was his great grandma or something!

"IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY!" He yelled like a maniac!

"Dude get up are you alright?!" I panicked, picking him up off the ground.

"Sorry for what?!" I asked, afraid he had dropped a building on my house or something!

But for some reason he didn't say anything, just hanging his head in response.

"Bro talk to me. Are you ok??" I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"You even have a light scar on your cheek. This is all my fault." He mumbled.

Light scar?

What is he...


I'm so dumb!

Of course Kirishima!

He was talking about that you idiot!

"Bro it's totally ok! I don't even really know what happened but please don't feel bad!" I reassured him.

"No!" He said, looking up at me. "It's not okay."


He looked so down and dissapointed in himself.

Like those sad kitty posters :(

"We were doing something we shouldnt have been doing, and it hurt you." He sighed, picking at his fingers.

"Midoriya seriously, it's all goo--" I started, but he totally shut me down.

"I'm already planning on going to report myself and Todoroki to Mr. Aizawa right after this. I...just wanted to apologize to you just in case I'm not allowed to see you again."





I was too shocked to control myself, accidentally slapping him across the face.

"Ow!" He winced, staring back at me with wide-eyed disbelief.

"I...I'M SO SORRY BRO!" I freaked, pulling him in for a huge hug and rubbing his cheeks.

His face cheeks, you smelly perverts :(

"But I should be the one apologizing to you!" He said as I smooshed his face, squeezing him tighter.

"LISTEN HERE IZUKU MIDORIYA," I said sternly, bringing his face close to mine, "I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU SO DON'T EVER TALK LIKE THAT AGAIN, GOT THAT?!"

"You're...squeezing...too tight..."

"Room *huff* spinning...Everything...going black..." He wheezed as I quickly let go of him.

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