Third Times the Charm (2210)

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Midoriya's POV:

"Alright then, let's begin!" Principle Nezu said.
"I'd like to discuss the entailments of your issued lockdown!"


"Oh dear. The faces made just now look quite shocked, but thats not to say this reaction was unexpected." Principle Nezu said.

"Sir, what do you mean by lockdown?" Kirishima asked hesitantly.

"Well, while we attempt to apprehend the rest of your assailants, you all will need to be kept here in the UA Alliance Dormitory under constant supervision to ensure attacks such as the ones you have experience do not continue to occur."

"We realize that this will put a damper on your summer break, but we need to take any means necessary to ensure the safety of you children." Midnight said.

"You will be on lockdown until all villains who took part in the attacks are seized and taken into custody. We will ensure that this is a thorough yet quick operation in order to allow you to return to your normal lives!" Principle Nezu continued.

"We are incredibly sorry this has to happen. The precautions taken wouldnt be so severe had the villains not follow you all to the private residence of the Yaoyorozu's and go on to attack you there."

All eyes unconsciously drifted to Yaoyorozu, whose face was drained of any emotion.

All-Might cleared his throat

"We hope you all understand. We wish we didn't have, but it is what it is. The more you make your positive mark on this world and get your name out there, the more threats and backlash youll face. You wont always be shielded from it, but thats just another part of what being a hero truly means. For now though, being on lockdown is the best course of action." Mr. Aizawa informed.

He wasn't wrong. Although it is dissapointing, I guess this was all they could do for now. But still...

"Well that was a lot gloomier than expected!" All-Might bellowed.

"You all are free to go!" Principle Nezu concluded, dismissing us.

I wished I could say this whole situation was a big shock to us, but this was nothing compared to what we all endured the past week.

Everyone slowly got up, all except Yaoyorozu.

As we filtered out into the hallway, she still had seemed to remain seated.

Had she already planned beforehand with the teachers to stay behind and have a similar chat of their own?

"Well this is gonna be interesting seeing as we cant go out anymore." Kirishima sighed, redirecting my focus to everyone else.

"We handled those villains like they were nothing. Lockdown my ass. We can protect ourselves just fine." Kacchan grumbled.

"Right? And now we're stuck inside! I miss the outdoors already." Kirishima frowned.

"I agree. I wanna go outside!" Uraraka whined.

"Well I mean I'm pretty sure the outside isn't totally forbidden. We should still be able to hang out in the courtyard or the dorm grounds. Atleast I hope so." Hagakure said.

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