Curtains, Carpets, and Drapes (1876)

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Sorry I published this late! You'll still get next chapter on schedule though as if this never happened. Anyway, enjoy!

Author's POV

It was 8:23 at night. Earlier that day, the girls subdued a noise sensitive Kirishima and an ever-vomiting Bakugou. Both of the boys, after deep interrogation, had realized that they remembered nothing of their intoxicated revelries last morning, proving rather useless information wise.

In the other room lay Midoriya and a feverish Todoroki, who, upon occasional wake upence, would break out into tears and vomit, the green haired broccoli boy there to comfort him.

Isn't it weird to see how alcohol brings out different characteristics in everyone? Anyway, back to the present. 8:23 at night.

Midoriya's POV

I lay next to Todoroki as the television bathed the dark room in a blue haze.

His legs were entangled with my left one. He slept on his side, laying his head near the middle of my armpit on my stretched out arm, his own wrapped around my waist. He was scrunched into the fetal position.

I was on my back, slightly sitting up.

"I wonder if Todoroki would be embarrassed to be caught sleeping like this." I exhaustedly mumbled, blankly staring at the tv.

He was a such a softie. It was kinda attractive.

I wonder if he remembers the closet.

Now that I think about it, he was pretty hammered, and still is. Plus, Kirishima and Kacchan also didn't remember much, so hopefully not.

More importantly though, did he mean what he said?

"I want to fuck you."

We literally made out on the floor. Ofcourse he meant it Midoriya.


My heart told me yes, but my mind had other thoughts.

He was extremely drunk. A hormonal teenager too.

He probably wouldve made out with a chair if I werent there.

Besides, what did I have to offer? What would he see in someone like me?

He didnt even seem like the romantic type. His childhood probably made it really hard for him to "love" anything, atleast sexually.

"Dont assume harsh things like that." I mentally chided myself.

"Mrph." Todoroki groaned, sliding his right hand under my shirt and up my chest as his left arm remained hooked under my back.

Anyway, instead of continually jumping to conclusions, Ive settled on the fact that last morning could be chalked up to pent-up sexual frustration.

He was just a horny teenage boy with horny teenage desires, the likes of which even someone like Todoroki could not abstain from.

"Mmm." He groaned again, beginning to stir.

This was going to be his fourth time waking up. Hopefully he felt better.

"N-no..." He quietly whimpered, tightening his wrap around me.

"Shhhhh." I hushed, stroking his hair, slicked down to his head from the humidity. A warm tear rolled down his face and onto my arm. He was also burning up again.

I hated to see him in pain like this.

His nails started to dig deeper into my skin as he trembled horribly, his face going pale.

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