The Burn (1362)

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Todoroki's POV

I sat there next to Midoriya, pressed up against him with my thigh. His was so soft. "Youre still a little wet. Here, allow me." I stated, removing my arm from atop his shoulders and placing my left hand on his knee.

"AHHA N-NO ITS FINE!" He blurted, placing his hand on top of mine to take it off, but then he stopped? "Midoriya you need to dry off." I countered. After moments of silence, he finally gave in, consenting for me to move up his leg.

My hand on his thigh made me feel weird. Not a bad weird, but an unfamiliar weird. Some where deep inside my body, inside the very fiber of my being...

...craved more.

I needed more. Without realising, I raised the temperature of my heat as I gripped tighter onto Midoriya's flesh. "O-ow! Todoroki!"

Knock knock

Midoriya quickly shot up and scurried to the door, as if he was a sleeping cat who had been startled awake. "Done with our showers!" Kirishima yelled. "Hurry up and meet us in the game room!"

"Thank you!" Midoriya shakily yelled back. He was very red, and a hand print on his right thigh was clearly visible. Was my heat too much?

"Did I burn you Midoriya?" I asked, worried. "Oh Im fine." He replied rather quick, speedwalking to the bathroom and locking the door behind him. Was I making him...


Midoriya's POV

JUST FRIENDS JUST FRIENDS JUST FRIENDS. We were just friends. "Dont make it weird Deku." I muttered, imitating a Kacchan impression.

Just dont think about.

I got in the shower and sat on the tub floor, the soothing droplets hitting my chest and face.
The butterflies were gnawing on the lining of my stomach, yearning to be set free. But what for? Why was I feeling this way? Who were these unknown feelings for?

"Oh shoot I should probably save some warm water for Todoroki!" I meantally chided myself, getting up and turning off the shower.

Looking in the mirror, I saw someone who didnt know what they wanted.

To be honest, in the back of my mind, I had an inkling of who these feelings were for. Whether I accepted them or not, though...

"Are you alright in there?" Todoroki asked from outside the door. "Everything's fine!" I responded.
I put on a robe and headed out, pushing the thoughts of my previous mental engagement deep down. Down where they couldnt be retrieved.

Or so I thought...

Todoroki's POV

After I took my shower and got dressed, me and Midoriya headed to the game room. As like everything else in this house, this room was no exception. It was large with sleeping bags scattered everywhere, enough for everyone who came. It was also dark, with the exception of a tiny lamp that lit up a portion of the area.

"Hurry up you two! We wanna start already!" Hagakure squealed as a pair of bunny slippers tapped the floor in anticipation.

"Start what?" Midoriya asked.

"Truth or Dare." Kirishim answered. Truth or dare? I believe Ive heard of it, but Ive never player. Midoriya, seemingly reading my expression, whispered quietly: "Someone asks you truth or dare. If you say truth you get asked a question and if you say dare you get dared to do something."

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