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Todoroki's POV:

I sat upright in my sleeping futon and checked my phone to see if there were any messages from Midoriya.


7:43 AM

No new Notifications.


I sighed.

I wondered if he was ok.

3 days have passed since the Mineta incident.

It has also, coincidentally, been 3 days since Midoriya has spoken with me, as he has been seemingly avoident ever since.

In those 3 days, a lot of other things occured as well.

The group chat of everyone who was involved in the trip to Yaoyorozu's house has been conversing about the different ways we could cheer Yaoyorozu up.

Everyone minus Midoriya.

I wonder if his phone was broken.

Anyway, while everyone has come up with...interesting...ideas, personally, I find this whole proccess pointless.

Yaoyorozu doesn't need a party to be happy.

What she needs is her life back to the way it was before, which is something I highly doubt any one of us could give her.

Either way, there were more pressing matters on my mind.

I got up and stretched.

Hopefully Midoriya will come down for breakfast today.

Though, I highly doubted that as well.

I haven't seen him anywhere.

Not in the court yard, or the living room, nor during meals.

I'm starting to get the feeling that he wasn't ok.

Either that, or maybe I just so happened to never be in the same places at the same times as him.

It's also been noted that I've made a handful of visits to his dorm room to check on him, but he hasn't answered the door.

Maybe he was sick?

Whatever it was that was going on with Midoriya, I wanted him to know that I was there for him.

I opened my phone again.


Me: Good morning Midoriya. I hope to see you today.

Read at 7:50 AM.


There it goes again saying my message was read.

What does that even mean.

Did that mean that I read it, or that Midoriya read it, because technically I did just read it, but if Midoriya read it, surely he would have responded?

This was unneccessarily complicated.

If I could just get Midoriya alone...


The last time we were alone together, Midoriya...

I was starting to heat up already.

I didn't mean to have such lude thoughts so early in the morning.

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