A Much Needed Debate (2017)

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Midoriya's POV

"Very" I quietly answered.

He slowly looked down.



He needed to know that what he did, or what he was going to do, wasnt right.

"Lets talk though." I added solemnly, walking past him and around the right side of the manor, Todoroki following behind.

There was a little brick path that led straight down, a long green hedge seperating it from the tall windows of the dining room.

We kept walking until we reached the kitchen windows. A slight look to the right revealed a dented bush with people-sized holes in it.

That...happened on our first night. Tsu flung me and Todoroki out the window and we landed in that bush. He was sweet enough to break my fall.

We continued to walk again, turning right and down the main path, into the topiary.

Large elephants and pandas sculpted out of enormous shrubs lined either side of the path, tiny lights illuminating them from the bottom up.

Why hadnt I noticed them before?

Now that I think about it, the only time I traveled down here was when I thought I was being chased, not to mention Todoroki carrying me against my will.

I stiffled my laughter.

Come on! Dont break character! Im supposed to be upset here!

Nevertheless, as we walked, I kept stealing glances back.

Todoroki was so quiet.

I didnt even know if he was following me or not.

Every time I looked though, he'd be staring right back at me, causing me to quickly look ahead.

I hope I wasnt too hard on him...

In no time, we made it to the 4 way intersection, with the ring of water surrounding the table with benches around it in the middle.

Do we stop here? Or keep going?

I kinda wanted to explore more of the grounds, or atleast have our talk somewhere scenic.

Somewhere scenic wouldnt be hard to find though. There was so much land! We were bound to find something breath-taking any minute now.

Anyway, we ended up taking a left, which led straight into A REALLY LARGE POOL AREA?!

"Woah." I gaped in awe, stepping off the brick path and onto the new terrain: Cement.

A large rectangular pool-with the shorter side facing us-stretched back across the pavement.

Over at the far end, A wall of large rocks encroached on the box-like shape, curving a little as part of it submerged into the water.

At the top rested a pond, its water spilling over into the pool and creating a wide waterfall.

That wall of water seperated everything else from whatever was on the other side of it. I wonder if there was a secret den...

"Im guessing you want to talk in there." Todoroki stated.

"Howd you know." I accidentally giggled, quickly regretting it.

My bad boy persona! Gone! Forever! Whats wrong with me?!

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