Fallen On Deaf Ears (1446)pt2

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New Years Resolution: Stop lying to your amazing readers.

OKAY OKAY but uhm hey baby im back ;)

OKAY OKAY OKAY no but real talk I do sincerely feel terrible for constantly going on hiatus without explanation and I feel sometimes that I dont deserve the interest youve shown which is stupid I know but still I am extremely sorry and am honestly trying to get better at posting. I took this winter break to work on myself *and the book cough cough* and am happy to say that I do indeed have a lot in store for you bums like YOU DONT EVEN KNOW MWAHAHAHAHA >:}

Todoroki's POV

"Wake up!" Midoriya shook me.

"Im up Im up." I yawned.

Midoriya was...sitting on my lap.

"I can tell." He giggled, straddling me rough as my boner writhed underneathe.

"Woah woah whats going on." I nervously cleared my throat, subconsciously placing my hands on the sides of his hips and pushing him off a little.

He straddled tighter as he placed his hands on top of mine.

"Todoroki I...I need you right now." He said, looking right at me.

"Midoriya." I heaved, so hard that it hurt.

"Are-Are you sure you're comfortable with this? This wont ruin what we already have? Do you really want me?" I asked, placing a thumb on his lip as I pulled down slightly.

"Want you? N-No. I neeed you." Midoriya leaned over, cutely stuttering as he begged into my ear, rolling his hips.

"I...I bet you do." I growled gently, grabbing him by the back of the neck as we connected lips, kissing on the cold wet cave floor.

Everything became warmer as I finally realized I was making out with the love of my dreams.

"I bet your close. Youve had to hold it in ever since we got here." Midoriya panted through kisses.

If we didnt stop now then Id for sure-

"Midoriya I think Im gonna-" I choked, throwing my head back.

I was barely able to hold on to him as my eyes forced shut, my heart beating out of my chest as my toes curled.

"Gahhh!" I groaned, releasing into my shorts way too early. Dang it.

"Mmm it feels so warm." Midoriya moaned, licking his lips as he kissed me again.

"Ahhh." I breathed, giggling as he kept kissing me.

"Todoroki I l-love you." He uttered.

Wait what.

"You wha?"

"Wait...Todoroki? Youre asleep?!" Midoriya jostled me...awake?

"Hmmm..?" I grumbled, slowly blinking as an uncomfortable wet sensation intruded my shorts.

I looked down.

What the...no...no I did not. I did not just-

I blushed harder than I ever had before as I quickly cupped my hands over my lap.

Crap. It was starting to leak out of my shorts and onto the floor.

"GAHHHHHHHH!" Midoriya shrieked as the waterfall split open, a black metal blurr shooting straight towards us.

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