Aforementioned Benefits (1605) pt1

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Sorry this is a longer one! Its gonna be so worth it though hehe ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Midoriya's POV

"You forgot to add that were friends with benefits." Todoroki deadpanned.


"TODOROKI WHAT?!" I freaked, literally launching from under him and off the bed, crashing to the floor.

"Oh my goodness Midoriya are you alright?" Todoroki asked, quickly rushing to my aid.


"Midoriya, did you hit your head?"

"N-N-No." I stuttered, scooching away as he reached for my head.

He did NOT just call us friends with benefits!

"Whats wrong? What did I say?" He blushed, a serious look on his face.

"You c-called us friends with benefits. Wh-what did you mean." I ordered, wide-eyed and hesitant.

"Benefits? You know, being able to have conversations for long periods of time like we just did. And being physically close. As...friends."



"That saying has underlying ulterior meanings." I sighed in relief.

"You just so happened to use the phrase incorrectly." I added, calming down.

"Oh." He said, crawling over and sitting criss-cross in front of me like nothing ever happened.

So calm.

"What are the ulterior motives." He stated, stooping his neck down to level our eyes, his own half-lidded yet eager.

"AHAHA THATS REALLY NOT SOMETHING TO GET INTO." I yelled, flustered as I tried getting up.

"Midoriya." He said, hanging onto my wrist.

"I would like to know."

Todoroki really didnt get out much. It didnt seem like he knew a lot of "slang", or common things most teenagers would know.

I guess it would be wrong to deprive him of such essential knowledge.

"Sex." I said, sitting back down in front of him as his eyes shot out of his head.

"I apologize." He stated calmly, quickly recovering from his shock.

"I would never hope to defile you."


"Todoroki what do you mean?" I asked, intrigued at his wordings.

"Defile? You know, to sully something."

"You think you'd sully me if we...did it?" I worried, looking him deep in the eyes.

The same calm stare.

"Someone as perfect as you deserves someone of equal value." He stated, the air growing cold and stale around usZ

Freezer Burn / TodoDekuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ