Out in the Open (1416)

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This Chapter is a tiny curveball. I wanted to have some fun. Remember this is a build up, so itll take some chapters to get to the juice. Allow me to tease you for now >:3

Todoroki's POV

We werent leaving Midoriya behind. Definitely not in such horrible wearher either. The taxi drove away as we all settled in. Everyone was soaking wet and I could feel a pool of water starting to gather in my lap and seat because of both me and Midoriya.

"Sorry Todoroki." He apologized, trying to move as little as possible. I saw his face through his reflection on the window. He looked as though he thought himsef to be a burden. "Youre fine Midoriya." I replied, hoping he didnt feel too bad. "Ill text the group chat and tell them were on our way." Kirishima said, trying to dig for his phone in his pocket.

With all the bags and cramped room, he struggled, pushing hard against me to try and get to his pocket. This made Midoriya squirm in my lap as our soaked clothes abrasively rubbed against eachother. "Sorry." He muttered again. Always apologizing. Its so annoying sometimes. "You dont need to be sorry. I told you its fine." I said a little too harsh.

"Got it!" Said Kirishima.


More thunder. The rain became audible on the car windows, as if it were hail. "Youve gotta be kidding." Bakugo complained as he realized he probably shouldve dressed more appropriately for the storm. "Did you not read the group chat." I quipped. "WAS I TALKING TO YOU ICEY HOT." He yelled in return. Just then everyones phones went off.

Kirishima: We got caught in the storm but managed to get a taxi! We should be arriving any minute now!!

"There. Sent." Kirishima said. Midoriya turned towards the driver. "How much longer until we reach our destination sir?" No response.


Maybe he didnt hear him over the thunder. Everyones phones went off again.

Uraraka: Wdym? Arent all taxi services closed today because of the horrible weather?


Jiro: uh yeah there was a message about it this morning

Kirishima: Well we lucked out lol.

Kaminari: YOU. LEFT. ME.

Jiro: Guess you guys did luck out! See you soon!


All taxi services are closed? That couldnt be right. We got one, so they obviously arent ALL out. "Sir?" Midoriya asked again to no response. He squirmed a little in my lap and grabbed onto the door hande. "Midoriya stop squirming please." I pleaded.

"Midoriya, are you okay?" Kirishima asked, worried. "HEY DOUCHE BAG. SHIT NERD ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" Bakugo yelled at the driver, who stopped the car abruptly. Midoriya flew forward as his face collided with the passenger headrest. He reached back and accidentally grabbed on to my thigh, and I couldnt help but heat up a little.

"All taxi services are closed today because of the iminant inclimate weather. What gives." I stated plainly. The driver's head spun a whole 360 as he stared at us. "4 UA students. My boss is gonna like you!" He screeched, whipping his head back around and stomping on the gas.

Midoriya was thrown back on to me as the car sped up. He helplessley pulled at the door handle which refused to budge. "SIT BACK!" Bakugo yelled, reaching his arm out towards our door. "MIDORIYA WATCH OUT!" I yelled, grabbing him by the chest and by the face, covering his eyes and squeezing him so close to me I could hear him gasp. KABOOM.

The door flew off and skidded onto the pavement. Sparks from metal on metal lit up the dark sky. "EVERYONE OUT!" I yelled, clutching Midoriya close as we jumped out the speeding car and towards the sidewalk. I wrapped my arms around him and took the brunt of the fall as we rolled down the cement. "AHG!" I yelled out in pain every time we hit the hard ground.

Kirishima used his hardening to nullify the impact, and Bakugo propelled himself upwards, landing on his feet. I got up feeling dizzy and with a ringing in my ear. "Todoroki!" Midoriya yelled, or atleast I think he did. Everything sounded like I was under water.

I heard the taxi ahead come to a hault. Not good. "Todoroki? Are you okay?!" Midoriya begged, tapping me on the face. My vision and hearing finally regained its clarity as I took in my surroundings.

Booom! Boom!

It was raining so hard I could barely see five feet in front of meet. "Wheres Bakugo and Kirishima?" I asked, still a little dazed from the fall. "WHAT?" Deku tried yelling over the storm. Lightning struck in front of us and lit up everything around for a quick second, revealing a missing pair from our group. I grabbed Midoriyas hand and brought him close. "We need to stick together!" I yelled, and he nodded in agreeance.

Two figures headed towards us. I couldnt make them out because of the storm. "Damn it." I muttered. "Kirishima! Kachaan!" Midoriya reached out. "NO!" I yelled, tackling him to the ground as a gun shot went off. I swiftly scooped up Midoriya and ran the other way.

Zip. Zip. Hiss. Bullets whistled through the air as they narrowly missed me and Midoriya. "Are you okay?! Put Yaoyorozu's address into your phone. See how far away it is on foot!" I ordered. Was that too bossy? After furious tapping and typing, Midoriya exclaimed, "Its 2 minutes from here!" He jumped out my arms and told me to follow him, grabbing my hand as we ran. Probably so we wouldnt get lost. Yeah.

Anyway, after a while, I recognized a tall strip of fence to our left. "If we keep running down this we should hit the gate!" Midoriya guessed. KABOOM! This time the thunder was so loud that it almost sounded like Bakugo. "WATCH OUT DAMN NERD!" Something in front of us yelled as it hurtled our direction. "SHOOT DUCK!" I yelled, but I was too slow. The silhouettte belonged to none other than Bakugo, who, flying through the air, crashed into Midoriya, causing him to skid the opposite direction out of site. "Ack!" He grunted, disappearing into the distance.

I stopped in my tracks and started sprinting the other way. "WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled as I sped up, trying to find Midoriya. The rain was too thick. I could barely see anything in front of me. I looked down and noticed a streak of red. No. Please no. I followed the streak as the color got more vibrant and more visible, until I reached the source. Midoriya was face down, in a puddle of blood diluted by rain water.

He appeared to only be suffering from a really bad nose bleed. "Thank goodness." I sighed, helping him up. He wobbled to his feet as I slung him across my back, fireman carrying him back in the direction from which we came. "Youll be fine. Im here." I thought.

Bakugo and Kirishima were waiting at the gate, but the sight of that explosion bastard riled me up. I gently put Midoriya down as I stomped towards Bakugo, grabbing him by the collar, which shocked him. "What gives?!" I shouted as he punched me away. "Touch me again and Ill blow your ass back to the dorms." He threatened, making tiny explosions. My left side lit up as I glared him down and deadpanned a "Try me."

"Knock it off Bakugo." Kirishima said, elbowing him. "Whatever." he muttered, pushing Kirishima away. Just then the gates swung open, everyone jumping back in surprise. "Can you walk?" I turned to Midoriya, reaching out my hand. "Im fine." He said rather coldly, getting up and going through the gate first. Whats he so upset about?

It was an awakward trek to the actual manor. I knew Yaoyorozu was rich, but this was unnecessary. We finally made it to door and Bakugo took the liberty to bang on the door and yell instead of using the actual doorbell. "Im coming!" A voice yelled from inside. As soon as the doors opened, the girls gasped in horror. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU GUYS?!" Uraraka screamed. "Jiro! Hagakure! Grab the first aid kits!" Yayorozu asserted. "Tsu. Uraraka! Grab some snacks and water! And as for you 4." Yaoyorozu started, pointing at us, "Follow me to the showers. I cant have you getting sick on my watch."

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