An Unexpected Series of Events (2107)

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Kirishima's POV:

"What does it mean to be left on read."



"Like...when someone reads your message but doesn't respond?" I clarified.

Todoroki looked surprised. And then a really weird looking face. And then he went back to normal.

"Is there reasoning behind this?" He asked.

"I think it's when someone doesn't want to talk to you. Or their mad. Or they just don't know what to say yet. There's plenty of reasons bro!" I said.

Now Todoroki look confused.

"Mad?" He asked.

"I mean yeah, I guess when someone's so angry with you that they don't want to talk to you, that's what one of the reasons could be. But it's not like that's the only reason. Like I said, theres like an infinite amount bro!"

"Oh. Ok." He said coldly.

Uh oh.

Did I say something wrong?

"Why are you asking, if you don't mind? Have you been left on read recently?" I asked.

"It's nothing." He stated, walking passed me and heading to the door.

"You sure Todoroki?" I said, turning to face him as he tried to leave.

He stopped with his hand on the handle.

"I...I don't know." He said.

"You can tell me anything bro! My lips are sealed." I said.

"That's not what I'm worried about. It's just, I'm really...close to this person. And for them to just completely avoid me and not respond to any of my messages..."

"I get it dude! You must really care about them! And it hurts to see those feelings not reciprocrated!" I said.

"Not really but sort of." He said.

"Well do you remember what happened before they started ignoring you?" I asked.

"Well...I may have instigated a situation in which they were publically humiliated."


Smart people talk!

Big words...hurt...brain!

" you mean...they were embarrassed in front of other people, and it was your fault..?" I asked, hopefully finally understanding what he was trying to say.

"It's...It's complicated, but yes. I can't explain it. I apologize." He said, still facing the door.

"Well help me understand! I'll happily listen Todoroki!" I said, sitting down in my rolly chair.

"It's fine. I have to get going anyway. Thanks." He said, opening the door.

"Uhh no problem!" I rushed, getting up quickly to see him out. "Any time!" I said as he shut the door.

That was...quick.

I wonder what that was about.

He got really flustered out of nowhere and then just left!

I hoped Todoroki was ok :(

This was so unlike him.

To be honest, he's been not acting like himself for a while now.

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