Conflict Resolution, Sort of...(2426)

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Im scared that this is gonna become a monthly occurance if I don't change things soon :D

Todoroki's POV:

"Is this a...joke?" I said.

I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.

We were a couple stories up.

Did he want me to somehow make it over to Midoriya's balcony?

"As I said before, I too needed to get to Midoriya." He said, going back into his room.

"What are you doing." I said.

"Fetching the equipment ofcourse." Aoyama said, coming back with a very, very long mirror.

"Escuze." He said, as he placed the mirror on the very ends of both balconies, connecting us to Midoriya.

"Is...Is this safe?" I said.

"Ofcourse!" He said, trembling as he made sure the mirror was sturdy.

"Now crawl across monsieur! Your destination is straight ahead!"

Something was telling me this was not as safe as he was making it sound.

"When did you have to do this." I said, hesitantly climbing up onto the ledge.

"I had to lend Midoriya some exquisite cheese!"

"Ch-Cheese?" I said, looking down.

So high up.

"Yes. As best friends do!" He said, flipping his hair.

Best friends...gave each other cheese?

I'll have to remember that the next time I see Midoriya.

I stepped onto the mirror only for it to bend a little from the weight of my foot.

"The creaking sound is normal." Aoyama said.


This wasn't working.

"Do you mimd if I freeze it over for more stabil—"

"Freeze over my favorire mirror?! How dasterdly!" He said.


"I only suggested that because I thought you had more than enough. My apologies."

"No no...I-Its..."


"It's fine. Go ahead." He sighed.

"Ok." I said, freezing the whole thing over and firmly connecting it to both ledges.

"I guess best friends also let other best friends freeze their prized possessions." He said.


"Ok." I said, making my way across to Midoriya's balcony, quietly jumping down so I didn't alert him.

"Are you okay?!" Aoyama loudly whispered.


"Ok. You can handle the rest on your own then right?" He said, tugging on his mirror to get it unstuck, failing.

"Yes." I said.

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