Fields of Plenty (1784)

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Todorodki's POV

Midoriya began to kiss me as his soft hand stroked my cheek.

I couldnt do anything drastic with him. His head was very sensitive and seemed to hurt easily.

I reluctantly pulled away.

"Thats enough practice for today. Youre hurt." I said.

He looked saddened.

"Is there something wrong?" I worried.

"N-Noooo. Im fine!" He smiled, slowly turning on his back.

Midoriya gazed up at the ceiling as if it were just as interesting as the night sky.

His perfect jawline. Those freckles. Those...bruises?

"Midoriya, what are those markings on your neck?" I asked, concerned.


I lightly tilted his chin up and conducted a thorough inspection.

"Your neck is littered with red splotches." I exclaimed.

"Wh-WHAT?!" He shrieked, his eyes bulging out of his head as he frantically felt at the spots.

"Hold on." I said, holding out my hand in front of his face.

"Ive been working on this new ice tecnique. Its not necessarily for combat, but can be used on-the-go."
I informed, pushing my fingers together and creating a flat surface with my hand.

Ice crystalized on my palm and spreaded to the rest, until a thin reflective surface formed.

"A MAKE-SHIFT ICE MIRROR?!" Midoriya shouted in awe.

"Sort of. Its not very great at picking up fine details, but you get a rough visual of yourself and surroundings."

"Thats so cool!" He gushed, grabbing my wrist as he tried to examine the marks.

"I can make out...reddish pinkish marks." He said.

"Mosquito bites maybe?" I worried.

Just then Midoriya paused silently, slowly turning his head towards me.


"Todoroki...when you were...kissing my neck...did you happen to any chance?"


When I was between his legs, my mouth exploring places Id only dreamt of.

"I mightve," I blushed, "why?"

"No no no no no." He muttered under his breath.


I didnt see what the big problem was.

" gave me h-hickeys!" He worried, looking towards me as he bit at his fingernails.



"WHATTT?! you mean WH-WHAT?!" He screamed.

"Midorya shh," I said, putting a finger to his lip, "the doors wide open."

"Youre...right." He said, calming down a little.

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