About that Mooncake... (2184)

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Midoriya's POV:

"Kaminari are you sure you know where we're going??" I asked as another branch slapped me in the face.

"Uh, duh?!" He laughed.

He was taking us into a really thick part of the woods where you could barely see anything but trees and leaves in all directions.

So we were lost then, I assumed.

"I ran right through this place yesterday! I'm like,
definitely sure. It should be right through here!" He said, dissapearing ahead through what seemed to be a giant wall of shrubs.

"If you say so." I said, pushing through as well and tripping out onto the other side, bumping into Kaminari and causing us both to fall onto the ground.

"Ack. Im sorry." I groaned, rubbing my head.

"Hey are you ok?" Kaminari said as I lifted myself off his chest.

"Yeah I'm fine." I apologized, quickly removing myself from our rather...compromisng position and helping him up. "Where even are we?"

"Look around dude!" He said, dusting himself off as my eyes finally adjusted.

"Woah." I said in awe, looking around.

In front of us was a large clearing. An expanse of pure grass.

There wasnt a single tree for about a mile, just tiny colorful bushes and a sunny, clear sky.

"Look! I told you Midoriya! All this grub ready for the helping!" He said, excitedly pulling me over to one of the bushes.

He plucked a berry off and told me to open my mouth before tossing it in.

"These are...strangely better than I expected." I said.

It was really sweet!

"These are really good actually." I said, plucking one off myself and eating it.

"No need to thank me or anything." Kaminari yawned, looking away jokingly.

"Thanks Kaminari." I laughed.

"We should take some back for everyone!" He said, hurrying to gather more.

"Good idea! The others would love these." I said, moving farther into the expanse.

"Kaminari, over here, look!" I said, pointing to a bush with black-looking berries.

"Hey those look familiar!" He said, walking over.

"We learned about these in class before." I said, picking one off and holding it up to the sun.

"Aren't they like granpa berries or something." He whispered.

"Uhm...uh...close. They're elderberries. They're good immune boosters, so lets get some just in case one of us gets sick." I added.

"Good idea Midoriya!" Kaminari beamed, fist-bumping me as he tried a couple.

We spent the rest of the time gathering more berries and enjoying the scenery.

We even spotted a wild buck, which Kaminari wanted to capture and eat, but thankfully, I was able to convince him berries were a more sensible, sustainable option.

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