Trouble in Paradise (1490)

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Todoroki's POV:

"Kacchan, Kirishima, you're back!" Midoriya said, jolting me awake.

I had fallen asleep against a tree with Midoriya and Kaminari waiting for them to return.

"Who the hell is that." Bakugou said as he walked over, exhausted.

"It's me!" Kaminari said, stepping into the light of the campfire.

"Bro!" Kirishima smiled.

"What the hell?! Shouldn't you be with your own damn group." Bakugou shouted, chasing him around the fire.

"STOP CHASING ME BAKUGOU I GOT LOST ALRIGHT?!" Kaminari cried, diving out of the way right as Bakugou went in for a grab.

"That doesn't mean your sorry ass is allowed with us!" He growled, snatching Kaminari off the ground and pinning him to a nearby tree.

"Bakugou chill!" Kirishima said, rushing over.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya said, grabbing Bakugou and pulling him on the waist as Kirishima tried to unlatch Bakugou's forearm from Kaminari's throat.

"I'm not getting disqualified just because you were dumb enough to get lost!" Bakugou shouted, still pinning Kaminari to the tree.

He wasn't wrong.

"I agree." I spoke up.

Everyone stopped.

"Todoroki!" Kaminari whined.

"Although I'll refrain from using the language Bakugou used, Mr. Aizawa did only approve of the four of us to be a team. I'm not sure we're allowed to just take on new members without special authorization. What do you think, Midoriya?" I said.

"I...I don't know..." He admitted.

"Please don't make me go out there alone at this time of night! That's cruel and unusual punishment!" Kaminari begged.

"I'LL SHOW YOU CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT." Bakugou yelled, slamming him against the tree again.

"Let go Bakugou!" Kirishima said, finally pushing Bakugou off.

"Are you alright Kaminari?" Midoriya asked, helping him sit down.



Kaminari nodded.

"Well, while we're here," Midoriya said, "were you guys able to find anything out there?"

"I'm not saying a word until the run away's gone." Bakugou spat, walking away and dissapearing into his lean-to.

"I'll go handle that. I'm really sorry Kaminari." Kirishima said, dissapearing into the lean-to as well.

The fire crackled in the background as Midoriya kept making sure Kaminari was alright.

Personally though, I agreed with what Bakugou was saying.

Who know's if we'd get in trouble for taking on another team mate. Technically, that did put us at an advantage over everyone else, which wasn't fair.

After some time, Midoriya broke the silence.

"I...I don't think you can stay Kaminari." He said. "We'd be going against the rules."

Kaminari looked sad.

"That's okay. I'll...see you later then." He frowned, getting up and dusting himself off as he began to walk away.

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