Let Me Help (1703)

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ALSOOOO. You should probs get used to the time jumps. Whats happening in one persons POV may happen at a different time in another persons POV (Joe goes to get ice cream vs what Joe did before getting ice cream), hence why the characters hear the manor doors slam seemingly at different times, but in reality they were all doing different things when it happened :)

Todoroki's POV

Whatever that loud noise was was gonna have to wait. I had a sick broccoli to take care of.

"Midoriya why arent you getting in." I asked, a little annoyed at this point. "Roki Im too tired." He yawned, getting pale in the face and coughing. "ACHOO!" He sneezed, sending ice and clotted blood everywhere. There he goes again calling me 'Roki'. The airy feeling in my chest was coming back.

"Midoriya please just do as I say." I said, turning to close the door, but a hand grabbed my ankle, preventing me from leaving. I turned back to see a feverish looking Midoriya, whose nose was starting to run blood again. "I need your help." He begged. Help him undress?! Sick or no, I didnt know how to feel about that. "Please." He pleaded, grabbing my arm for support as he wobbled to his feet. The fluttering in my chest was going crazy. What was this. Am I sick?!

Anyway, I picked Midoriya up and put him on the counter, spreading his knees apart and moving into the open space. "Alright." I reluctantly agreed, locking the door behind us.

Kirishima's POV

Me and Bakugo took the 3rd guest room
on the left, which happened to be the last, and as we were unpacking, Hagakure knocked on the door. "You boys need any help?" She asked. "Dry clothes." Bakugo stated. "I can probably get Momo to throw them in the dryer if you want!" She broadcasted. "Thatd be sweet! Thanks!" I said, giving her a hardened thumbs up. Just as she was about to leave, we heard a loud slam come from downstairs.

"What was that?" I asked, worried. "Not our problem." Bakugo scoffed. "What if its the villains again?" I countered, putting down my soaked duffel bag and taking off my poncho. A strange fire-like intesity sparked in Bakugo's eyes. After a couple of seconds, he turned to me with one of the most ruthless, but manliest, gazes Id ever seen. "Then maybe it IS our problem." He said, licking his lips. "Thats what Im talking about!" I exclaimed, rushing out the door as he followed next to me, Hagakure followed behind.

Todoroki's POV

Just as I was about to take Midoriya's shirt off I heard foot steps coming from the left to the right, going down the stairs. "Who is tha...ha...ha..haCHOO!" Midoriya sneezed, covering it with his elbow. "Sorry." He apologized, yet again. "Youre good." I tried saying nicely through gritted teeth. Every apology ate away at me, and soon, Id crack.

"That was probably Bakugo and Kirishima running past," I started, "so we need to hurry up and get you well so we can get back and have some fun with everyone else." Midoriya nodded, barely being able to put his arms up as I removed his shirt. "How are you feeling." I asked, kneeling down to take off his drenched shoes. He rested his head on the back of the mirror, saying "I feel crappy. Im so hot and I my limbs feel heavy." Oof. He definitely has a fever.

After removing everything but his shorts, I got up and got between his legs, again. "Do you need me
to..uh..." I asked, awkwardly waving my finger at his groin area. The butterflies were coming back.

"Oh..uh NO! I mean..no...thank you. Do you think you could grab my bag though. I have some extra shorts and boxers in it." He politely asked, his face more colorful than before. "No problem." I stated, quickly extracting myself from the bathroom. I dug through his bag until I found the requested items. Using my fire, I warmed them enough to where they were completely dry. "Catch." I said, tossing them to him. "Now get in the bath and meet me out here when youre done." I informed, softly closing the door.

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