A Midnight Snack (1405)

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Kirishima's POV

"Guys its really getting late. I think Im gonna head back up now." I awkwardly laughed, setting down the bowl of cake batter I'd been mixing.

It had been 30 minutes since I came down. I only meant to grab a few snacks for me and Bakugou but the girls convinced me to stay and help.

"But Kirishiiiiima! Youre soooo good at girl talk! Its actually really surprising!" Uraraka whined as she took her cupcakes out of the oven. "Am not!" I flustered, folding my arms.

"I guess youre not as manly as you think you are." Jirou giggled. "Am too!" I stomped. "I just came down here for snacks! Honest!"

"If you insist." Yaoyorozu laughed, walking over to the pantry. "What would you like?" She called.

"Hmmmm. Uhm, anything sweet and sour? And something spicy if you have it. Oh and popcorn!" I said.

"We've got strawberry sour ropes. Some hot chips. And kettle corn, not popcorn. Is that okay?" She asked, coming out with all the snacks in a little basket.

"Perfect! Thanks YaoMomo!" I smiled, grabbing the basket and turning to leave. "Wait!" She exclaimed, grabbing hold of my arm. "Im kinda in a hurry. Yes?" I questioned as she unlatched herself.

"Theres something we've been meaning to ask you." Tsu said with a serious face, hopping off the counter and walking towards me. "Yeah..." Jirou added, closing in on me as well.

"Uhhh...guys?" I awkwardly backed up, nearly jumping as I had bumped into Yaoyorozu.

"Kirishima." Uraraka deadpanned, staring me in the face.

"AHAHA PERSONAL SPACE GUYS!" I yelled as they all formed a circle around me.

"Can we..." she started, her gaze instensifying.

Can you what? Can you WHAT?! WHAT WOMAN WHAT?!


"CAN WE DO YOUR HAIR?!" Uraraka gushed as the others shrieked blissfully.

"Wait HUH?!" I asked, perplexxed. My heart was racing. Was that the OH SO IMPORTANT question?!

"OH. MY. GOODNESS. Its so lush!" Yaoyorozu squeeled, twirling the back of my hair through her fingers. "Guys please!" I blushed, swatting their hands away.

"Youre over due for a new style ribbit. Ill get the supplies." Tsu croaked, hopping off into the distance.

"No offense Kirishima, but you have wasted potential on top of your head." Jirou snarked lovingly.

"Do not!" I said, running away from them, only to be backed into a corner. Tsu hopped backed with a caddy full of torture devices!

"NO! PLEASEEE!" I yelled as they pounced on me. "WONT HURT A BIT!" Uraraka screamed as they all laughed in excitement.

Bakugou's POV
What was taking Kirishima so long. Im already half way through the movie. "Idiot." I scoffed, flipping through channels. I heard loud footsteps heading towards the door, bound to be his.

"What took you so damn long?!" I yelled as the door creaked open.

"Bakugou. Whatever you do. Please. Dont. Laugh." He whispered. "Get in here already!" I ordered. "And you better have my snacks!"

With an audible sigh, the door slowly crept open. Light flooded into the room as my eyes adjusted. "Oh. My god." I breathed, trying to fully comprehend what I was seeing.

He had two braids that were on top of his head, running from the front to the back, ending in a haphazardly formed man bun. The rest of his hair, or everything under the braids, was natural and flat, flowing down to his neck and completely contradicting his usual spikey mess get up.

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