A Problematic Deviation (2614)

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Lillith's POV:

"Are you sure it's gonna work? What if someone else gets to it before him?" Ashley said between laughs.

"Like shut up Ashley. It's gonna totally work. Have faith or whatever." I said, giggling.

"Yeah Ashley," Lilah said, "Lillith mixed her quirk into that one red mooncake. You know, her quirk, "Hex-Hedonist", the one that causes anyone who's eaten even a single crumb of that mooncake to forgoe any inkling of rational thought, having gradually intense, irrepressible sexual desires over a 4 day period for the last person that's kissed them on the cheek, who in this case, is Lillith. On the 4th day, their desires are the strongest, and as we've seen from past experiments, only 29% of the subjects were able fight off the urges and not act on those desires by the end of the 4 days. After the 4th day, her quirk wares off. Also, Lillith's quirk only works on the first bite, so any bites after that and the subject gets a little sick. Also also, it only affects the subject who took the very first bite, so anyone eating the mooncake after that first bite won't experience Lillith's quirk or any sickness caused by eating any more of said mooncake."


"Lilah why the hell did you just explain my quirk out of nowhere." I said, freaked.

"For the reading audience!" She said.

"Girl what. Are you still taking those expired medications from your parents cabinet?" Ashley said.

"Like seriously you're like mentally not okay." I said.

"You guys I can't stop. I think Im an addict or something." She said, bursting into tears.

"It's okay girl me too. Except not really. Like actually not at all. It's literally just you." I said, empathazing with her.

"I still think it's weird for you to hook up with guys like this." Talulah said, with her dumb Talulah face.

"Talulah literally go overdose. You'd so do the same thing if you had as hot of a quirk as mine." I said.

"And plus, that kid was premium meat. A
UA highschool student? You don't run into those every day." Ashley said, biting her lip.

"Back off Ashley. He's mine." I said.

Always trying to get in on my kills, that whore.

"Literally so gross. You're like a monster or something." Stupid Talulah said.

"You could always leave if you want." I said.

"And plus you helped make the mooncakes AND the wooden box, so get off that high horse." Ashley said.

"Guys," Lilah said, sniffling, "I think they have to get back to the main plot now. We've served our purpose as the plot-threatening side characters."

"Who the hell is "they"? And what do you mean "side characters"?! LITERALLY LAY OFF THE XANAX LILAH WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU." Ashley yelled.

"Girl where is the nearest rehab center. I refuse to be affiliated with a druggie." I said, pulling out my phone.


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