Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Harry ^^

*Tori's POV*

"Don't look at me like that." He told me.

"Like what? You just ruined my life!" I moaned to my manager, Ted, slumping down on my sofa.

"You're exaggerating as usual Victoria. I called Matthew and he's on his way here. We could discuss outfits for the People's Choice awards." Ted sat up, scrolling through his Blackberry.

"Who cares about outfits? I'll pick something later." I muttered.

"You're a model, Victoria. People are going to be watching and criticizing everything you wear." Ted told me.

"I was going to go with Harry." I said, picking up a cushion and hugging it tight, staring into space.

A few minutes I heard the doorbell ring. I just sat there as Ted looked at me.

"Are you going to get it?" He asked. I ignored him. I heard him sigh loudly before getting up to answer it. He came back into the room with Matthew.

"Hey Tori." He smiled at me and wiping the tears from my face. I gave him a small smile as he sat down beside me.

Matthew and Ted started talking about clothes.

I bet Matthew also knew about this stupid plan. It's not fair at all. I have a right to free will and free speech. I should have did something rather than just sitting there but I didn't want to ruin One Direction's future.

I will probably never be able to see Harry again.

As they were Talking I tried to call Harry but the number was blocked so I tried the other boys but nothing happened.

"You okay?" Matthew whispered as Ted packed his stuff into his briefcase. I shook my head, not making eye contact with him.

"I will get back to both of you soon. Stay out of trouble Victoria!" He warned leaving the living room.

As soon as he left I threw the cushion at the door that just closed and put my head into my hands.

"I hate him so much." I growled.

"I'm sorry about the situation with Harry." Matthew comforted me.

"It's not your fault." I told him. I looked at my phone. 11.30pm.

"I can go if you want?" Matthew offered.

"No. Please stay. It would help take my mind off things. Please." I asked him.

"Sure." he smiled.

"How about food then? I'll cook." He stated getting up and walking to the kitchen. I stood up and followed him.

I sat on the kitchen counter and thought about my times with Harry while Matt rambled on about something and started cooking.

"Tori!!" He yelled waving his hand in front of my face.

"Hm?" I responded.

"Were you even listening to what I was saying?" He asked, putting his hands on his hip and going all sassy on me.

I started laughing at him.

"Whats so funny, RedHead?" He asked.

"You remind me so much of Louis." I grinned.

"Well, I'm glad to see your dimples again. You must miss him, right?" Matthew smiled sadly.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Here." he said handing me his iPhone. I looked at it.

"What?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Call them." He nudged me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. Now let me finish cooking." He said gesturing to the door.

I took his phone and walked out the kitchen dialling Harry's number.

"Hello?" a sleepy, husky voice answered.

"Harry?" I asked.

"Tori!" he perked up.

"Harry!" I laughed.

"Guys. It's Tori!" I heard him yell in the background. I heard the boys all rushing about.

"Hi Tori!" They screamed.

"Hello Boys." I grinned.

"We've tried calling you but the number's blocked." I heard Zayn's voice say.

"I've tried too. I miss you already." I smiled to myself, knowing they cant see me.

"I can tell you're smiling." I heard Harry's voice.

"How did you know?" I smiled again.

"Because your voice sounds Italian and happy when you smile or laugh but American every other time." He replied. I heard footsteps then a door shut.

"Did they leave the room?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah. They wanted to give us some space." Harry replied.

"That's sweet. I wish I was over there right now." I told Harry.

"Me too. I miss you so much." I heard him say quietly.

"We might not see each other for a while." I said, my voice breaking.

"Yeah, it sucks." Harry said.

"Yeah." I whispered, trying to pull myself together by taking deep breaths.

"Victoria?" Harry called out.

"Yes?"I answered.

"Promise me something. Don't cry over me. Stay with Matthew. He's better for you. He'll help your career." Harry told me. He was trying to be strong but I heard his voice break.

"I can't promise that. Don't make me." I said, a tear sliding down my face.

"Don't forget me." he said.

"I'll never forget you. Why would you even say that?" I asked, wiping My eyes.

"I don't even know if there will be a One Direction in a couple weeks. I've messed up big time with Simon but I don't regret it." Harry said. I knew he was about to cry.

"Harry please don't cry. Stay strong for me." I begged him.

"As long as you stay strong for me." He sniffed.

"I promise." I said.

"I promise." Harry replied.

"I love You Harry." I told him.

"I love you Victoria." He said back.

"Ha--" The line cut of halfway though my words. I tried redialling but the number was blocked. I tried again with the other boys. Nothing.

I ran a hand through my short, red hair before going back to the kitchen.

"Thanks." I mumbled, handing Matthew his phone back.

"Tori, you okay?" He asked me, sounding concerned.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I told him, trying to smile."Just not hungry."

"Good. I can't cook to save myself." He sounded relived.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's getting late." Matthew said looking out the window.

"It is late. It's past midnight Matt." I said slapping his arm.

"Yeah, yeah." He rubbed the spot I hit him.

"Wanna stay over? You can sleep in the guest room." I offered.

"You sure?" He asked. I nodded.

"Okay then." He followed me to the guest room.

I'm glad I had a friend like Matthew.

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