Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Beware, it's short.

Harry ^ >

*Tori's POV* 

I opened my eyes and yawned. I had such a headache.

I heard voices then I remembered that Harry was probably still downstairs. I'm happy we are together again, I've seriously missed him.

Maybe I was too harsh on him.

I got my crutches and hobbled downstairs. The rest of the boys, Maria, Danielle Peazer and Eleanor Calder were in my living room laughing about something.

"Harry?" I asked confused. He stood up and rushed over to me. 

"Hey babe, you're awake. I hope its okay that I invited the others." He said, sitting beside me. 

"It's fine." I smiled. It felt like the room was shaking.  

"We are having a Movie Marathon!" Louis told me, wrapping an arm around Eleanor.

"Hi I'm Eleanor and this is Danielle. Nice to meet you." she smiled. 

"Hey, I'm Tori. Nice to meet you too." I smiled back at them.

"Louis, turn the light off! Zayn shouted.

"There's no need to shout, Zayn. I'm right here." Louis grumbled as he got up while Liam put the Amazing Spider-Man DVD into the DVD player, starting the movie.

I put my head on Harry's shoulder, hopeing it would soothe the pain. After a few minutes the pain got worse.

"Tori, are you OK? You look very pale." Liam asked.

I shook my head, unable to speak. I couldn't take it any more. I closed my eyes, hoping the pain would stop but it didn't.



Pain. Paint. Too much pain.

This was all too familiar. I opened my eyes to see I was in a hospital bed. This time there were 8 people around me. I saw Harry closest to me. He was staring into space. 

"Harry.." I whispered hoarsely. He looked at me, so did everyone else. "What happened, why am I here again?" 

"You passed out. Something to do with your concussion." He said quietly. I nodded. 

"Can I have some water, please?" I asked. Niall handed me a cup. I finished it just as the doctor came in.

"Ah, you're awake. Your concussion has gotten worse but we have gotten medication for that. And your leg has healed. We have taken off the cast but you still have a bandage on it. We have to do a few tests but for now everything is under control." Doctor Williams told me.

"That's good right?" Harry asked him.

"We can't determine anything. Sorry but visiting time is over." Doctor Williams said, gesturing to the door.

"Can he stay? Please." I asked, pointing to Harry. 

"Alright but only him." he replied, walking out with the others and shutting the door. Harry pulled the chair closer to me and took my hand.

"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have been with Mia. If I hadn't we wouldn't have argued, you wouldn't have fell and this wouldn't be happening." he ranted. I smiled.

"Harry it's fine. I'm alive aren't I?" I shrugged. He laughed and kissed my head.

"I love you Tori."

"I love you too Harry."


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