Chapter Nine

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*Tori's POV*

I tossed and turned the whole night. I sat up and looked at the clock. 4.37am. Good enough for me.

I looked in the mirror. My eyes were red and you could see dried tears on my face. My hair was a frizzy mess. I had definitely lost a lot of weight. So pointless.

My head still hurt like a bitch since I had got out of hospital.

I got my crutches and hobbled to the kitchen. I saw that the shattered plate was still there. I sighed and got a cup of coffee. I sat in the living room, in darkness, thinking about what to do next.

I could try to find a new job. If i couldn't find one by the end of the month I would have to sell the apartment and move back to New York.

I took out my laptop and looked for jobs. I think I'll ditch modelling. No one will want to hire a model with a scar on her right leg.

Waitressing jobs at a posh restaurant. I have experience waitressing so I could try that.

Before I knew it, I was on my 5th cup of coffee when the doorbell went.

I looked at the time. 9.07am. That was quick. I probably looked a mess but I didn't care. I opened the door to see Harry standing there. Looking perfect as usual.

*Harry's POV* 

I was surprised when Tori opened the door. Her hair was in a messy bun. Her eyes were red and it was obvious she has been crying. She also looked really thin. But not in a good way. I wanted to hug her and kiss her. I cant believe I had done this to her. She looked disappointed when she saw me.

"Harry." she said quietly.  

"Can I come in I need to talk to you." I asked her. She shook her head. 

"I'm quite busy. Maybe later?" she said slightly louder and impatiently. 

"Its important. I promise. And I'm not leaving till you let me in." I insisted.

She sighed and opened the door wider. Letting me in. She picked up her crutches and led me to the living-room. She sat at her seat and shut her Mac Book. I sat on the sofa opposite her. Her eyes had dark rings round them and she looked tired.

"Tori, what time did you go to bed last night and what time did you wake up?" I asked her. 

"I went to bed around 12 and woke up around 4." she murmured. I shook my head. 

"You should sleep more. You'll feel better." I told her. 

"Is there a reason you are here?" She changed the subject.

Oh yeah. I remembered and took it out my pocket. I showed it to her.

"Is mum's ring?" she said. I nodded and her eyes lit up. 

"Where did you find it?" she asked. 

"I found it where you fell. It was under the rocks." I said, handing it to her. She took it and put it on.  

"Thank You so much Harry." she said, a tear falling down her cheek. I subconsciously wiped it away.

This time she don't flinch. She smiled gratefully.

"You have 3 mintutes to explain. Go." she said, looking away. I took a breathe.

"Okay so we went to America and management decided to invite my ex, Mia, we have had a lot of history and she knew me more than anyone. So management wasn't happy when they found out about you. They wanted me to keep my 'ladies man' reputation. So Mia and I were went to act like a couple and stuff." I told her. She rolled her eyes.

"So you decided to knock her up then? I'm sure management would be proud if you had cute little babies." she said sarcastically.

"No. I was drunk and I missed you. All we did was kiss, I swear. You have no idea how sorry I am. I promise you I am nothing like Blaine. Please forgive me. You can throw all the plates in the world at me." I told her truthfully.

"Hey?" A voice said. We both looked up to see Blaine standing there with a blond girl. 

"Hi Blaine. How did you get in here?" Tori said standing up with her crutches.

"You left the door open."The blond girl said. Tori looked at her.

"I believe I was talking to Blaine. " Tori spat out at them.

"Tori, I know you have forgiven me but Kelsey is also very sorry." Blaine said.

"Blaine, get her out of my house." Tori said. 

"Tori. We just came to apologise. I know I betrayed you, and specifically after I promised not to go after Blaine" The blond girl said. Tori turned to me, her eyes full of tears.

"Harry get them out of here..please." she begged. I stood up and nodded. 

"I believe she asked you to leave." I said walking towards them. Blaine raised his hands in defeat.

I walked them to the door and locked it. I went back to the living room to see Tori sobbing quietly in her hands. I sat beside her and held her. She put her head on my chest and held me tight.

"Harry, you wont leave me again will you?" she spoke up. I shook my head. 

"Of course not." i whispered. She sniffed. 

"Promise?" she said again. 

"I promise." I replied, kissing her forehead 

"This time don't break it. I can't handle it anymore." she said. I took her shoulders and looked at her in the eyes.

"Last time was a mistake. I will not do anything to harm you. If I do harm you I will kill myself." I told her truthfully. She hugged me.

"Please don't kill yourself. I need you." she whispered in my ear.

"Tori please take me back." I begged. She nodded before kissing me.

Even though her lips were chapped her kiss still felt good, sending fireworks throughout my body.

"Thank you for staying with me in hospital for so long." She half-whispered. 

"I would stay forever." I said quietly. She put her head on my chest and I stroked her hair. Before I knew it, she had fallen asleep.

I lifted her up bridal style and picked up her crutches. I laid her on her bed, placing her crutches beside her before sending a quick text to Liam.

Kelsey > >

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