Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

Harry ➡⬆


"I really should go." Ms Cozza (Alessia) mumbled, standing up. "I'll see you later, Tony."

I stood awkwardly against the wall as Ms Cozza left. Everyone except Tori and I decided to go exploring like tourists.

Then Tori and I had awkwardly walked into the kitchen where Antonio and Ms Cozza were making out.

And Tori was not happy in the slightest.

"What the actual hell, Tony?!" Tori exclaimed.

"Victoria.." Antonio tried to explain.

"Hai dimenticato tutto di mamma. Sei così egoista. TI ODIO!" (You've forgotten all about mum. You're so selfish. I hate you!) Tori yelled before waking out and slamming the front door.

I had no idea what she just said.

"I should go after her." I said to Antonio.

"No, just let her cool off for a bit." He said, running his fingers through his messed up hair.

"I'm such an idiot. I thought she had left with the others." Antonio told me.

"She needed to find out eventually." I said.

"Yes but not in this way. She thinks I've forgot about Maria." Antonio sighed. I knew this was killing him inside.

"Do you know where she would be? I can go talk to her." I suggested.

"She's probably gone to visit her mother's grave." Antonio said before telling me how I would get there.

"I'll try to talk to her. If she'll listen." I said, stepping out the door.

"Don't worry too much. It's my problem to solve." Antonio said.

"It's alright." I shrugged before walking down the street.

The sun was blazing today. I'd been walking for 2 minutes and I already couldn't handle it. I sighed and rubbed my forehead as I entered the cemetery.

I spotted Tori sitting with her back against a small tree, facing a gravestone. I walked over and sat beside her.

She wiped her cheeks but said nothing. I looked at the marble grave.

Maria-Sophia Rossi 

Mother, Daughter & Wife. 

1979 - 2006

"I take it you know everything?" Tori asked me, facing the grave.

"What do you mean by 'everything'"? I questioned.

"Everything about my mum and dad. About Alessia." She told me.

"Uh.. Pretty much." I answered. Tori nodded, still not looking at me.

"Don't be mad at your dad, Tori. He hasn't forgot about your mum, he's just moved on." I told her.

"I dont want him to move on. I want my mum." Tori started to cry again. I held her and rubbed her back.

"Don't cry." I kissed the side of her head.

She stopped crying eventually and we sat in silence.

"I'm such an idiot." Tori spoke up. "I can't expect my dad to be single for the rest of his life. He needs to move on eventually."

"That's true. He loves you so much. Even when he leaves tonight, he won't forget you." I told her.

"What do you mean 'when he leaves tonight'?" Tori looked at me with watery eyes.

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