Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to Mariaa (cos I love ya)

Chapter Four

Kelsey and Blaine both stood up guiltily. Kelsey was quickly pulling her shirt on as Blaine walked up to me. He was shirtless, making me even angrier.

"What the BLOODY HELL?!" I reapeated.

" Kelsey, I thought you were my friend?!" I yelled. She looked at the ground and muttered something under her breath.

"As for you Blaine, it's over. Don't you ever come near me. I never wanna hear from you again." I yelled at him. He walked towards me.

"Babe, I'm so sorry." he reached out to me. I slapped him in the face, my hand stinging slightly.

"Don't forget to use protection!" I spat at them, walking out the house and into my car. I bit my lip, trying to stop myself from crying as I drove home.

When I got home I went to my bedroom and stood at the window. I let out the tears I had been holding in.

I can't believe he cheated on me. Especially with Kelsey of all people. I should have known. I was such an idiot.

I everntually stopped crying and pulled off the necklace Blaine had given me on Valentines day. I looked at it before throwing it out of the window. I saw it fall down onto the road.

I walked back into the livingroom and took a seat. The TV was on but my mind was far away. I felt a hand on my shoulder and let out a loud scream before turning around to see Harry covering his ears.

"Oh my God, Harry." I placed my heart over my heart which was beating way too fast.

"Sorry to scare you. I still had the spare key you gave me and I had forgotten my laptop charger. Just came to get it." he grinned. I nodded and he frowned when he saw my face.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I quickly wiped the tears from my face and shook my head, hoping he would forget about it. He put his arm round me.  

"You can tell me." He whispered into my ear.

I opened my mouth to talk but burst into tears again. What was happening to me?

"Blaine.. c-cheated on me." I managed to say. Harry just hugged me and I put my head on his chest. His heartbeat helped me calm down and stop crying.

"You're one of a kind Tori. You have a heart of gold and a beautiful smile. Don't let Blaine get you down. He is an idiot and he doesn't deserve you." Harry whispered kindly.

He pulled a stray hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. I looked into his eyes. They were bright green. Like small sparkling emeralds. Beautiful.

Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. His kisses were softer than Blaine's and sent fireworks running through my body. His hand cupped my cheek as we continued making out.

Suddenly, his phone beeped, causing us to break apart. He frowned, taking out his phone.

1 new message form Mia x

"I have to go." he muttered before running out.

Oh my Gosh. I kissed Harry. I smiled, squealing to myself.

But Mia. Who the hell was Mia?


I woke up with the sunlight streaming through the window. The sun was shining was the birds chirped happily. Tomorrow was my birthday and I was excited to see my dad again.

I hadn't heard from any of the boys since a few days ago and it had already been nearly 3 weeks since we first met.

I smiled as I got out of bed. I jumped into the shower and washed my hair which was nearly at my waist.

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