Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


"Victoriaa.....Wake up." I heard a voice say.

I felt something tickle my face. I groaned and opened my eyes. Harry's face was inches from mine making me gasp.

He stood up straight and laughed causing butterflies to form in my tummy. Why was I feeling like this? I had a boyfriend, for crying out loud.

"Hi..So Niall made breakfast. You'd better hurry down before he eats it all.'' Harry laughed. I nodded and sat up.

"I'll just let you get ready then." He said before walking out.

I washed up and put on denim shorts, a white tank top and my black toms. I tied my hair up in my usual ponytail and walked downstairs to find the rest of the boys already at the table.

"Sleeping beauty has arrived." Niall grinned as I sat down beside Louis.

"Good morning." I smiled. They all replied and carried on eating.

I ate silently while the boys talked about their plans for the day. 

"Thanks for the yummy breakfast Nialler." I smiled, finishing my meal.

"It's aight." Niall shrugged.

"You british people have a really strange lanuage." I giggled.

"We talk the right way. Americans are the weirdos." Zayn said making me laugh.

"Is everyone finished?" I asked. They all nodded and handed me their plates. I heard the doorbell ring.

"Lou, can you get that?!" I shouted, putting the plates in the dish washer. 

I walked back to the living-room to see the boys laughing and talking with another boy.

 I recognised that laugh. "Blaine?"

"Hey Tori." He stood up and walked over to me. He grinned and hugged me, lifting me up. He put me down and kissed me.

"I've missed you babe." he said in his American accent.

"I missed you too." I said hugging him again. I pulled him back to the sofa and sat beside him.

I noticed Harry was missing but ignored it.

"But thank you for everything Tori." I snapped back into reality when I heard Liam say my name. I raised a brow.

"The boys and I are leaving tonight when Paul arrives." Zayn filled me in. I nodded.

"Oh, that was quick." I said casually. I was kind of disappointed they were going becuase I get bored easily. Especially in a big apartment.

"It's okay babe, I'll stay with you so you don't get lonely." Blaine said. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of being with Blaine.

I had known Blaine since I was really young. Blaine's parents worked with my dad so when my dad decided to move to America to start his business, Blaines parents came too. Along with my other friends', Avan and Elizabeth's parents.

Because of that the 4 of us grew up together. From Italy to America.

Blaine and I had been dating for about 2 years. Blaine was an amazing boyfriend. He spoilt me and we had fun together.

The problem was that anytime he stayed over he always wanted to go past 3rd base.I kept telling him I wanted to wait. He didn't understand why but he just went along with me anyway.

My phone viberated in my pocket.

Kelsey Calling. I answered as the boys carried on with their conversation.

"Hi Kelsey" I said into the phone.

"Hello Hun. Guess what?" she squealed back. I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I asked blandly.

"I'm in London and it would be soo good to see you.'' She chirped.

"Yeah. I'll drop by later with Blaine." I said

"Oh Blaine the Babe. It would be nice to see him." she giggled ingoring the fact that he was My boyfriend.

"Yeah yeah. So see ya?" I grumbled

"Byee. Give Blaine a kiss for me." she said happily.

I hung up and slide my phone into my back pocket. I had nothing against Kelsey. She was gorgeous and she liked to show it off.

She could get any boy she liked and she knew it. But she didn't care about anything until she got what she wanted. In this case, she wanted Blaine.

"I'll be back in a sec." I told them before going upstairs.

I opened the door to the room Harry was in. He was lying on the bed texting someone. He sat up when I walked in. I shut the door behind me. He put his phone down. I looked at who he was texting;

 Mia x

I felt a bit weird but I pushed the feeling away and smiled at him.

"Hey Harry, you okay?" I asked. He nodded and flipped his hair making my heart race.

"Blaine seems like a good guy." he said casually. I nodded. There was an awkward silence. He pulled something out his pocket.

"Here is The spare key you gve me." he offered it to me. I shook my head.

"You keep it. For emergencies. Just don't break in and steal anything." I joked. He laughed and put the key in his back pocket.

"You can trust me. I just realized I don't have your number - For emergencies." Harry said quietly.

"Oh." I pulled out my phone and we exchanged numbers. He gave me the other boys' numbers too.

"Even though I've only known you for 3 days, I'm gonna miss you." he smiled. I pulled him into a hug.

"I miss you already." I whispered back.

(Pic on Side>)


** ONE   WEEK   LATER **

It had been a week since the boys left and I've been texting him everyday and getting to know them more.

I'd been shopping with Kelsey who just left the house after half an hour of flirting with Blaine.

"Now I have you all to myself." he said before kissing me. I kissed him back, letting my hands slide up to his hair. He put one hand my waist and pushed me back so he was laying on top of me. He started tugging on my top. 

"Stop." I whispered but he ignored me and continued, kissing my neck. I sat up slightly.

"Blaine, I'm not ready yet. You know that." I said, fixing my top. He kept trying to kiss me.

"Come on babe. I've waited long enough." he kissed my neck again. I pushed him off and stood up.

"No Blaine." I stated firmly. He stood up. I could see him getting angry.

"Tori, this bloody relationship's going nowhere so I'm just gonna get out of here!" he yelled before walking out. I heard the front door slam as he left.

I sighed, walking into the bathroom and splashing cold water on my face. I dried my face and checked The time. 9.00pm.

I stood up an headed to the kitchen and picked up a bottle of wine. I picked my keys from the counter and exited the house.

Once I got into the car I drove to Kelsey's house.

Her front door was open so I just walked in, hearing her laughter. I followed the laughter to the living room.

I opened the door and dropped the bottle in shock of what was in front of me.

Glass shattered all over the floor.

"What the actual hell?!"

Harry and Tori hugging > 

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