Chapter Twenty six

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Chapter Twenty six



"I'm ready!" Tori skipped in the living room, where Robin and I were waiting.

"Is that a wetsuit?" I raised a brow. "Where did you get a wetsuit from?"

"What's wrong with my wetsuit?" She frowned.

"Nothing." I told her.

"Well I think a wetsuit's a good idea. Always be prepared." Robin nodded.

She was wearing a tight black and red wet suit with Gemma's black hunter wellies.

"Shall we go now?" Robin asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Okay I'll just make sure I have everything." Robin left the room.

Tori was still standing at the door, biting her lip.

"I'm gonna go change." She said.

"No, don't! I'm sorry. I was joking." I said standing up and walking over to her.

"No, it's ridiculous. Who even wears a wetsuit here? It's freezing outside." She tried to joke.

I held her wrists.

"I refuse to let you change. It's this or nothing." I said making her laugh.

"It's beautiful outside. It's surprisingly warm outside, for January." I told her.

"Yeah, I guess." She smiled. I put my arms round her kissing her gently.

"Come on dimples. Lets go." Robin laughed, rolling his eyes.


When we got to the pier we spent some time giving Tori a few tips before we actually got started.

"Will you be okay while Harry and I go and buy some more bait?" Robin asked. I knew he wanted to talk to me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Tori smiled, playing with her rod. We nodded and walked to the bait shop.

"So..?" I started.

"I like her. And so does your mum. Actually Anne loves her." Robin laughed.

"Really? I mean, I know Tori is amazing but I just really wanted you guys to approve." I told him with a smile on my face.

"Of course. She's a special girl. Much better than the other girls you've been with. No offence." Robin nodded.

"None taken. I completely agrrr, She is." I grinned feeling myself turn red.

"Wait.. Did you really want my approval?" Robin asked.

"Yeah. You're practically my dad and you've always been there for me. I might as well start calling you dad instead of Robin." I said truthfully, with a little laugh at the end.

"Yeah. I'm glad you think of me like your dad." Robin gave me a smile which I returned. 

"So this is a Father-son and Tori day?" I suggested.

"No, it's more like a father-son and Daughter in law day." Robin said, teasingly. I bit my lip to stop me from smiling and blushed again.

"Someone's got Harry blushing." Robin joked, nudging Mr

"It's not funny." I stuck my tongue out.

"And I thought Gemma was the one that still acted like a kid." Robin laughed. I chuckled as we entered the bait shop.

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