Chapter Thirty

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Chapter thirty


"Harrry!" was the first thing I heard as we entered the dressing room.

Lux was running towards Harry with her arms outstretched. He scooped her up and hugged her tight.

"Hi Tori." She waved shyly.

"Hey cutie." I smiled. We walked over to Lou and Ted.

"You're late." Ted frowned at us.

"No we are not." Harry replied.

"Yeah, you were supposed to be here 3 minutes ago." Ted stated.

"Are you taking the pi--" Harry started to say but I put my hand over his mouth.

"No swearing." I said to him before turning back to Ted. "Sorry we're late."

He nodded and walked away.

"I swear, that man infuriates me." Harry glared after him. I laughed and shook my head.

"So, what you doing here?" I asked Lou.

"According to Ted, your stylist Pablo called in sick so you needed a replacement." She explained.

"I need a stylist just for an interview?" I raised a brow.

"Don't ask me why. I'm just getting paid." Lou smiled, making me laugh.

"Shall we get started?" She asked me.

"Sure."  I said hopping onto the chair in front of the mirror.

"Harry, go get me that pink dress off the hanger." Lou asked him. He walked away with Lux still in his arms.

I pulled out my phone as Lou started straightening my hair. I saw that I had a text from Eleanor.

From: Eleanor

You. Me. Dani. Shopping for Harry's birthday. No Excuses x

To: Eleanor

When? x

From: Eleanor

After your interview. I'll meet you at the boys' house.

To: Eleanor


Harry came back with the dress and handed it to Lou, who had just finished my makeup.

"Thanks." Lou said before handing me the dress. "You change into that and I'll go get your shoes."

I nodded and went to get changed.

The dress was hot pink that went mid-thigh. It was a little tight at the top but flared out under my bust.

After changing, I was walking around with white ankle socks on. Harry was sitting on a chair with Lux on his lap. She pulled off his beanie and tried to put it on her head. Harry laughed then fixed it for her.

He would be a brilliant dad one day.

I didn't realize I was staring until Harry looked up and smiled.

"Hey. You look gorgeous." He complimented.

"Thanks." I smiled.  "Have you seen Lou? She has my shoes." 

"Yeah. She's just at the side of my stage." Harry told me, standing up and placing the beanie back on his head.

We walked over to the side of the stage. Lou was holding white material Doc Martens that had small, pink flowers that matched the colour of my dress.

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