Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Seventeen

*Harry's POV*

After ordering nearly half the menu, I looked over at Tori. She was laughing with Niall and Zayn.

She was honestly the most beautiful person I had ever had the privilage of meeting. The way her hair framed her face and how her smile could light up the room. 

I felt someone nudge me. 

"Hm?" I turned away from Tori to look at Louis and Liam.

"Dude. You're whipped." Louis laughed. I furrowed my brows.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"We see the way you look at her." Liam smirked.

"I know. I love her, alright" I said quietly.

Louis laughed, pinching my cheek. I rolled my eyes and started to eat the food that had been placed on the table.

Tori stood up and proclaimed in her American accent, "I'm just going to the bathroom."

That's another thing about her. One minute she sounds completely Italian or completely American then the next minute she sounds a mix of both, depending on how she's feeling at the moment.

"It's the PCA's soon." Zayn said.

"I know. I can't believe we got nominated for 2 awards." Liam said, feeling proud of himself.

We continued talking and discussing the People's CHoice awrds, when I realised Tori wasn't back yet. 

"Just gonna check on Tori." I told the boys. I stood up and walked towards the toilet. I saw Tori facing 2 girls around her age.

" I know for a fact you and Harry won't last long. Look at you. You're such a slut - wearing shorts all the time." The first girl spat out.

"He's probably just using you." Girl 2 snickered.

"Harry is NOT using me. We love each other very much. And we wont break up just because 2 girls aren't happy." Tori stated, confidently.

"Oh but Its not just us. Everyone hates you." Girl 2 said. "Besides, everyone knows Louis and Harry are totally going out." 

"Hey. Is there a problem?" I interjected, stepping between them.

"Oh no. We were just talking." One of them smiled at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Cut the crap. I heard what you said to her. Now get lost before I call security." I said to them. They stormed off and I turned to face Tori who was bitiing her lip.

"Harry they're right. All your fans actually hate me. They don't want us to be together." She said softly.

"Well they just have to get used to it. I don't care want they say." I said, pulling her into a hug.

"I don't want you losing fans because of me." she mumbled into my chest.

"If fans start hating on us then they aren't True fans. Don't worry babe." I told her, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm gonna go freshen up." she said walking into the ladies. 

She soon came out and I took her hand and walked back to the table.

"Is everything OK?" Zayn asked, looking up at us.

"Yeah. Everything is fine." I looked down at Tori who smiled back at me. We both sat down and continued out meal.

I love Tori and that's all that matters.  

Cute    Harry >>

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