W. W. U. T club.

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Today I went to a club called ' WWUT '.
At first I didn't know what it meant.
I just walked into the meeting,like a moth drawn to a flame.
I could hear the walls calling out my name begging me to share in their secrets.
The door called out to me welcoming me into the world behind it.
I slowly opened the door and there on the board were the words ' WELCOME TO THE " WE WERE UNABLE TO...." CLUB '.
And below it were the words ' where misfits live '.
I now understood why I was so attracted to the place.
Legs were on desks,hands lay limp on window sills,heads were buried in phones,minds were far far away,clothes were put on how ever anybody wished,eyes gazed,wandered....
In that small space there was so much going on and I finally felt at home.
I was welcomed.
As the list of inabilities to conform to societal demands,roles,pressures went on,I finally realized that this was what I needed;acceptance.
And do you know why I was a misfit,what I was unable to do?
I was unable to pass a simple test that would have lead me to my dreams and I'd been kicked out.
But now all that was in the past.
Guess what?
When you are unable to meet their demands,stereotypes,pressures....you are welcome to WWUT,where inability is not a death sentence.

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