Don't cry child.

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' Don't cry child. '
That's what I was told.
' Don't let them see your broken parts,
They are gonna laugh,
They ain't your friends,
So don't cry child. '

' Hide away your broken parts,
Don't let them show.
They are gonna laugh.
Don't cry child.
Don't cry child. '
That's what I have known all of my life.

Strength was beaten into me,
Even on days when I felt so weak,
And I was told ' Don't cry child. '

Am so cold today.
I guess that's what they wanted,
When they told me not to cry, to always be strong.

Even on nights when I felt like everything was so bad,
I never shed a tear,
Because I was a ' strong ' child.

' Don't cry child,
Don't cry child,
Don't let them see your broken parts,
Don't let them see your broken parts,
They are gonna laugh,
They ain't your friends.
They are weak,
But you are strong,
So don't cry child,
Don't cry child. '

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