Time heals all wounds?

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You know how they say time heals all wounds?
What if you are stuck in that time where the wounds formed,never really being able to move on?
A time where triggers set off the pain in the wounds,
A time where the wounds bleed over and over again,
A time where the wounds you tried to cover are always being picked at,
The wounds may not show but that time you are stuck is always a constant reminder of them.

Time heals all wounds but what if those whom you got the wounds from are still there?
A constant presence in your life taking you back to that time you are supposed to heal from.
They pick at your wounds slowly pretending they are helping and then rip the bandaid off leaving you exposed to the elements.

Time may heal all wounds but if you are stuck there like a bad memory wanting to be forgotten but not really going away,
healing is difficult.

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