They left.

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You know what hurt the most?
The betrayal from those who said they'd never leave.
Watching them walk away one by one felt like countless daggers were being driven into every inch of the body,the heart,the soul,the mind.
Their words were so sweet - honey oozing from their tongues.
And the tears after were so bitter - flowing freely like rivers from the heart.
The pain,heartbreaking - shattering every bit of the heart.
The memories leaving a heavy heart - feeling like loads of lead were in there.
The thoughts leaving a mind so foggy - there was no seeing forward.
All that could be done was wallow in the past,a past that had them.
The present felt blank for they could have been here but they are not.
Why? They did something they said they'd never do - they left.
One by one. No goodbye,no nothing.

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