When I die....

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When I die,
Bury me there and then.
Do not prolong my stay on this earth.

Or you can cremate me and throw my ashes to the wind.
Let me go!
Do not keep me in a vase.
Let the wind take my ashes wherever as long as it is far from this place.
Do not hold on to me.

Do not cry.
I lived my life and death was also part of it.
I am just now living in a different place.

Do not say ' R. I. P '.
Let my soul wander to the ends of the earth.
Let my ashes wander the expanse of space.
Do not tie my down by wishing that I forever be at peace.
I wasn't here, I don't think I will ever be.
Just let me be.
As I was, I want to forever be.

Do not post my pictures with captions of sad emojis.
It is a joy I will finally be out.

Do not send my family cards and flowers.
They will be read and soon forgotten.
The flowers will wilt and soon thrown away.

Do not view my body.
It's just that, a body.
I do not want you to be reminded of a face that wants to be forgotten.

Go on with your lives.
Soon they will be over too.
It's not a lie.
We all die,
In the end, or at the beginning of another life......

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