When I Die....2

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When I die,
Do not try to resuscitate me.
Go use that energy to live your lives.

When I drown,
Do not take me out of the water,
I have been drowning in misery all my life,
Maybe the water is better.
I could not touch the misery,
but the water, at least I can have a touch it, feel it fill my lungs and take the place of all the misery.

When I am falling to my death do not try to hold me back,
I've been stuck in my life and maybe this falling is all the freedom I will ever get.

When I die from suicide do not pity my folks,
They never thought of me when I was alive....
Do not ask how they will live without me,
They were completely fine ignoring me when I was alive,
So what makes you think they will care when am gone?

When you find me with my face down in the pillow without a pulse,
Do not tell me to wake up.
This eternal sleep is my payment for all those sleepless nights I had when I was alive.

When you find me with a gun to my head,
Do not take it away,
Let the shot ring out loud enough for every to hear.
Maybe then they'll notice me and start caring.

When I die do not touch my room.
Let it be as it is.
Once in a while I'll be back to see the place I called home.

When I die do not write good things about me in my eulogy,
Let them know I was messed up.

Actually, when I die, do not write an eulogy,
Why let people know about me when am dead?

Remember I said to be buried there and then?
Do not invite people.
What good will a corpse do to them?
Am I more valuable dead than alive?

When I die do not put flowers on my grave.
What for?
To add beauty to my death?
To try and show I was colourful?
No please.
I'd rather you put nothing, because that is what my life was; nothing.

When I die do not give me a death certificate.
Why didn't you give me one for all those times I forced myself to get out of bed and try this thing called living?

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