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We were ghosts walking among the living.
Our bodies present,but our minds,hearts and souls long gone.
Even our bodies were almost gone.
They passed us without a look or a hello.
We were present but invisible.
To the living we were the kids of a lost generation.
They did not want to be associated with us. How would they want to when the smell of death seeped out of every pore?
When all they saw were skeletons?

At school the bullies couldn't get to us any more.
At home the parents couldn't yell at us anymore.
At the park the town couldn't sneer at us anymore.
They had seen us for far too long and now the disappearing act was working all too well.
We were long gone! To the point of no return.

Run away for a few days and no one even noticed.
Get caught by the police but they couldn't care less.
Get a suspension from school but no one would care.
Get into a fight but no one would be there for you.

We were the present kids but invisible lives.
We were ghosts.

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