New normal....

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There is finally some peace,
What I would call an ' okay ',
What I would term as ' normal ',
No storms, just a calmness, that feels like home.

So used to storms that you get suspicious of the calm,
Day one comes and goes,
Day two, day three, day four....
And you are finally getting used to it.
The new normal!
The okay that you have been searching for!
The calm that you have had glimpses of once in a while but it never lasts,
But this time it feels like forever,
A holiday in paradise,
Sipping happiness,
Swimming in peace,
Bathing in the good,
You start forgetting what tough times look like,
How storms feel like,

Too much of something can be poisonous,
But this is the poison you needed to heal,
The potion you needed for your happily ever after,
And then just when you were starting to get used to this fairytale,
The potion ends,
And you start asking whether you jinxed it by being suspicious of it,
But this was just another glimpse of something you will never have,
What did you think this is a never ending potion?
The happily ever after type of life?
Wake up child, for to you that is just but a dream!
And dreams are sweet when the eyes are closed,
But once you are up, it's back to reality.
Do not close your eyes again!!

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