I will keep you....

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I will not keep you in my heart.
I don't want you to get lost in the mess that is in there.
I do not want you to get pierced by all the broken pieces.
I will not keep you in my mind.
I do not want you to get lost in all the destructive thoughts.
I do not want you to get drowned out by the noises in there.
I will not keep you in my soul.
It is too dark in there.
I will not put your name on my skin.
There is no more space - the cuts took all of it.
I will not keep you in my mouth.
No good words ever come out of there.
I will not keep you in my eyes.
I do not see a future.
I will not keep you in my ears.
All I hear are the noises in my mind.

Let me keep you on the walls of my house.
Let me hang up all our pictures and make a gallery.
Let me hang up all our pictures as visual reminders of the times we had.
At least on the walls you will not get lost or pierced or drowned out.
Let me keep you in a locket.
At least I can open it at any time and see you.
And if those don't work, maybe I will try and forget you.
I will try. I have tried. I will keep trying.
If it doesn't work, well I will try again and again and again and again, til I draw my last breath.

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