
19 8 2

First slash
He left!
Second slash
He was right!
Third slash
I am a bitch!
Fourth slash
I am a piece of shit!
Fifth slash
Am not hot because am fat!
Sixth slash
His slaps!
Seventh slash
Am crap!
Eighth slash
I deserve to die!
Ninth slash
I don't deserve anyone!
Tenth slash
And no one deserves me!
Eleventh slash
I am a mistake!
Twelfth slash
I deserve to be burned at the stake!
Thirteenth slash
I always thought he'd change!
Fourteenth slash
He'd hit me and apologise!
Fifteenth slash
And I was quick to forgive!
Sixteenth slash
I was always wrong!
Seventeenth slash
He never changed!
Eighteenth slash
I was always his punching bag!
Nineteenth slash
They say love is blind!
Twentieth slash
But his was not love!
Twenty first slash
I was a bat!
Twenty second slash
Goodbye to my ex!
Twenty third slash
I will never ask why!
Twenty fourth slash
I hope at 24 am not too young to die!

Guys September is Suicide Prevention Month.
Please talk to your friends,acquaintances,neighbours,family or just anyone to know what they are going through,create awareness about suicide prevention.
If you have friends or you know someone who is suicidal please talk them out of it or find them help or if you are also suicidal please seek help.
It might start with cutting or taking pills or something else and before you know it someone took their life.
Please help save a life.
If you need someone to talk to there are help lines you can call.
Please do not take your own life. You are worthy of a good life and love.
If you wanna talk you can message me too.
Take care of yourself and those around you.

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