Laugh and laugh and laugh....

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In those moments when it  gets dark,painful and overwhelming,
I don't cry,
I laugh and laugh and laugh....
I mean,I could cry it all out but nothing would be left.
The tears will carry me away,for I am one with them.
What is left of me will flow out and it will drown me and the strength to swim back to shore will be gone with the tears.
I prefer the laughter for it creates a semblance of normalcy.
It lies to me that everything is good and I thrive in the lies.
I heard that smiling,even when forced,can make you feel better.
Well,you know what,that's what I do....
It starts with a smile,and I feel like I've got a grip on things and then it breaks into a laughter that tells me,' you've got this under control '.
The worst part is those days where the laughter decides to turn into tears,well they are supposed to be tears of happiness but no! They turn into what I've been trying to avoid;crying myself away.
But I've learnt to control that....
And that is why I will keep on laughing and laughing and laughing....

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