Table for two.

20 8 4

Today I sat at a table for two,
In a restaurant where couples flocked,
And love songs played ever so softly.

I was sat where I could see all that came in.
Two by two they came in,
Holding hands,smiling,looking into each other's eyes longingly with flaming passion.

And I,well I was just sat at a table for two.
Looking like the most lonely person on earth .
The few glances that were cast at me were full of pity,
Pity you ask?
' Maybe she was stood up,maybe they broke up,maybe they had a fight ',
I could see all their assumptions behind those glances.

What was I doing in a 'couples restaurant '?
I was simply having lunch at my favourite restaurant.
But the glances cast at me had me questioning myself.
Should I get someone to share this table for two with me?

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