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The past - forget it.

The present - live it.

The future - wait for it.

It's funny how yesterday was once the future,
Yesterday,it was the in the present,
And today it's in the past.
Oh,how quick time comes and goes.
Maybe you wished for yesterday to never come,to never end.
But where is it now?
Can you really forget it was there?
Didn't you live it?
Isn't it gone now?

We look forward to some days more than others.
Others we just want to forget about and move on - pretend like it never happened.
Some we want to live in forever - no end to their offerings.
But either way,we live,we lived and we want to live.
That's life - the past,the present and the future.

To forget,to live,to look forward to - it's a choice.
Whichever you pick,nothing will change.
Days will be looked forward to,they will come and they will go.

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