I Still Have....

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I've been holding on to you like that last bite of a favourite dish that you want to savour and enjoy bit by bit.
I have a couple of things that you left at our place.
I have your shirt that I smell every night before I go to sleep.
And when I feel like shit I put it on to feel you once more,huddled up against each other feeling the warmth.

After you left I almost didn't take a shower for a week,for I was afraid of washing off your hug.
It was short and cold but at least I felt you one last time.
I keep hugging myself trying to feel you but all that's there is a void.

I still have your favourite music on my phone,because it reminds me of you.
I remember you dancing to every beat like the world was coming to an end.
I remember you telling me that dancing sets the mind free and now all I do is that.
I dance to your favourite music to try and set my mind free of you.
What an irony!

I still have so many things that remind me of you.
But do you know what the greatest thing I have from you is?
It's the love that I have for you deep in my heart,my mind,my body and my soul.
I still have that and it's going nowhere any time soon.

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