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I walk along the shores of my life watching the waters from a distance.
Today I do not plan on swimming, sinking, or floating.
I have done that too much.
Today I will watch.
I will let the waters do as they wish.
If they want to be waves, let them be.
If they want to be ripples,let them be.
If they want to be still, let them be.
I have tried to control them for way too long.
I have fought way too much.
Trying to fight an ocean when all I can manage is a puddle.

I might be tempted to intervene.
The waters are still a part of me. A part too big to ignore.
But today, I will watch.
Let chaos be, if chaos is what my life is.
Let order be, if order is what my life is.
And if I watch for way too long, stop me not, for I have been an actor way too long, and today, I choose to be the audience.

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